wor-king for the week-end
Look at this - one of my favorite ridiculous gory fantastic movies is playing tonight at 11:00 at the Grand Illusion. I might have to go. (It’s no Evil Dead II, but really, what is? Plus, it’s directed by the same guy who did Lord of the Rings. Really, you can’t lose.) What are you doing tonight?
the more you know
Afternoonboss’s Word Of The Day!
Started applying for jobs with public schools. They want a copy of my TRANSCRIPTS along with my resume and cover letter. Bah. I was kind of hoping I’d get to forget about those indefinitely.
c-c-come on everybody
Here is the website containing information on the single most hilarious fifteen minutes of theatre you will ever witness. Be there or be square, and if you are square you are super-lame.
P.S. Everyone involved with “Fortuitous” has coupons that will save you money on an all-day pass. I’ve got a couple left - Do you want one?
the world is a vampire
I have been pretty much incapacitated with the flu since Friday night. Not only have I been sick, I’ve been in a constant (and pretty impressive, considering it’s legal) Ny-Quil stupor. Apparently, I had a few conversations that I don’t even remember, and I did some flaky shit which is really just not like me. So, my apologies. Once I manage to reel in the bobbing balloon which is my head, I promise I’ll be back to my normal self in no time.
Look at you, Yuki. You started this Movable Type revolution way back when and now it seems that everyone is following in your footsteps. You are so bloody chic. (But just you remember who convinced you to start a blog. ;)
Of course, if you look at it another way, it might just seem like Josh is taking over the world. This is also possible.
we get these rules to follow
This may be more for my benefit than yours - but here’s how I feel about a whole lot of stuff today.
(borrowed from Sarah, again.)
Oh, and before you go … click on this, please.
Have you ever…
Fallen for your best friend? Yes, on several occasions. Sometimes it’s a great idea, and sometimes it’s just stupid.
been rejected? Um, yeah. It happens to everybody.
been in love? A couple of times. ‘Tis definitely better to have loved and have lost, by the way.
been in lust? Absofuckinglutely. Although (to tie it in with a conversation I had last week) it mostly happens after I get to know the person.
Cheated on someone? No, never. I think it’s a shitty thing to do to someone. I have also never been the “Other Woman”… as far as I know.
been cheated on? No, thank god.
done something you regret? I’m much more likely to regret stuff I DON’T do.
Who was the last person…
You touched? PWe
You talked to? A toddler who answered her mom’s phone
you hugged? Daniel
you instant messaged? my mom
you yelled at? Eli, during closing night of 7 Strangers
You laughed with? A little barking kid this morning
Have you/are you/do you…
Understanding: yes
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: occasionally, but it never lasts long
Insecure: sometimes
Interesting: That’s the word on the street…
Hungry: not anymore
Friendly: sometimes to a fault
Smart: not as much as I used to be, but yes.
Moody: um. Occasionally.
Childish: nope
Independent: hell yeah.
Hard working: not particularly.
Organized: I like to THINK I am
Healthy: most of the time…
Emotionally Stable: depends on the weather
Shy: sometimes.
Difficult: mostly, no
Attractive: Damn Right.
Bored Easily: sort of.
Thirsty: constantly
Responsible: theoretically
Sad: it kind of comes and goes in waves
Happy: in intense bits and starts
Trusting: I used to trust too much. Now I second-guess myself every time - but I can’t just stop trusting people. It doesn’t work that way.
Talkative: I can be.
Original: I certainly like to think so.
Lonely: Sometimes.
Color your hair? I’m an addict.
Have tattoos? Two. One is coming soon.
Piercings? 16, only three of which are currently being used
Floss daily? Um, NO.
Own a webcam? Nope.
Ever get off the damn computer? I don’t own one, so when I get off work I’m pretty much done.
Sprechen sie deutsche? Nein.
Habla espanol? No habla espanol.
Current Clothes: this was a “drag myself out of bed and crawl directly to work” day. Chucks, jeans, Drama School sweatshirt.
Current Mood: trying to wake up.
Current Hair: washed yesterday. This morning I got it wet, covered it in texturizer, and shook like a dog. Voila!
Current Annoyance: I want to know if I got this job or not. The waiting is killing me.
Current thing you ought to be doing: working. Ha!
Current Desktop Picture: this one.
Current Favorite Group: I think it might be Evanescence. Maybe Queens of the Stone Age.
Current Book: About to start the new Donna Tartt book.
Current movie In VCR: I forced Kris to watch Spice World with me, and I think the tape may still be in there.
Current Refreshment: La-La-La-Latte!
Current Worry: That the job crap won’t all work out for the best. That I’m going to lose one job before having another one secured. That I’m going to be broke.
Current Crush: Um. So, this is kind of embarassing, but I’ve got a total crush on Eminem. (My hot elf phase is over.)
Food: Vietnamese
Drink: Sobe Green Tea
Color: deep silvery blue
Shoes: the knee-high platform zip-up shitkicking boots that make me 6’1”.
Candy: Hot Tamales
TV Show: Buffy
Movies: Birdy, Strictly Ballroom, Gia. NOT The Foreigner.
Dance: up on the platform at The Saloon in Minneapolis on a Thursday night. There’s fog everywhere. We’re wearing tight clothes and a lot of glitter, and they’re probably playing a club version of Cher in the background.
Vegetables: asparagooses
Fruits: satsumas
On Dating…
Long or short hair? either - and occasionally no hair at all!
Dark or blond hair? any
Tall or short? are you are least sort-of my height? Good enough.
Sensitive or Funny? both
Good or bad? both
Dark or light eyes? either
Hat or no hat? doesn’t matter.
Pierced or no? I like ‘em, but it’s not a dealbreaker.
Freckles or none? either
On preferences…
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? hot chocolate with Kahlua
McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? Oh, can’t I have both?
Sweet or sour? Salty
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? I’m a Pepper too.
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Enh. The comedy and horror don’t do anything for me.
Cats or dogs? DEFINITELY dogs.
Ocean or Pool? Nice clean Olympic-size pool with (non-scary) diving blocks and brand new (non-scratchy) lane lines, please. If I can be alone in it to do my laps, that’s even better.
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Ranch, baby.
Vanilla or Chocolate? Pistachio
Eyes open or closed? Depends on what exactly I’m doing. (Kissing? Closed.)
Fly or breathe under water? fly
Bunk-bed or waterbed? I’ve slept in bunkbeds for many, many years of my life. You know what I really want? A Bunk Waterbed.
dear leslie,
A series of observations from the insanity that was last weekend:
1. Holy crap, is The Foreigner a godawful movie. Trust me. If the person I watched it with hadn’t been incapacitated, I suspect things would have been thrown. Don’t watch it, no matter how drunk you are. I’m not kidding.
2. On a related note, please don’t fall off your bike and hurt yourself. It’s not a good idea. And if you DO, please allow the friend who is visiting you to help you do stuff. This friend probably likes helping. That’s what friends do.
3. It is possible to see a show and just not be able to talk about it afterward. Every time someone asked me “What did you think?”, I had no idea what to say. This is okay. It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It may just mean that the play broke your brain. (Now, on the other hand, if you’d asked me “What did you think of <insert actor's name here>?” I would have been able to tell you a number of things. Mostly good.)
4. Haircuts are fun, especially when you relinquish all control of the end result to the diva with the shears.
5. For HSM - It’s raining men. Hallelujah! It’s raining men …
6. It’s nice to have a friend who will come with you when you need moral support, and who will invite you places when they know you have nothing else to do. These are the best kind of friends. (Thx, PWe.)
7. Seeing old friends is a good thing. It reminds you of where you come from.
8. Even after all these years, “Bike Poo” is still funny.
9. Healing comes from some really strange places. You can do anything you want to try to get yourself past something, but it can’t be rushed. One morning you just wake up and things are different. This is cause for celebration.
10. I’d forgotten how much I love directing. (Especially when there’s such a brilliant cast…)
11. Not to kick a dead horse, but here’s another review of just how fucking TERRIBLE The Foreigner was. (And here’s a picture of Mr. Tepid looking pained. That pretty much sums it up.)
12. Shopping for red dresses is fun, whether you like wearing dresses or not.
13. Randomly making out with pretty people at parties is also fun. At least, that’s the word on the street. I’m sure I wouldn’t know.
14. A quick piece of advice: let’s say you’re sitting at the end of a couch. You’re leaning on one person, and you have your legs in the laps of three other people. (Yes, yes, you have really long legs. Shut up and let me finish.) You can’t quite reach the table to set down your wine, but you need to move your butt (which is sliding into the crack of the sofa.) You think you can safely hold your wine glass between your teeth while you move your rear. You would be wrong. What will actually happen is this: the couch cushion you are sitting on will shift in a way you don’t expect. You will pitch backward, pouring wine straight into your sinuses and your eyes. You will drench your fellow couchmates, some of whom will giggle a great deal. Others will flee upstairs to put on the host’s nice dry shirts. You will wash the wine out of their clothes in the bathroom sink, using a bar of soap. Your eyes will burn, your nose will be on fire, and your hair will smell like grapes. OH - and your underwear will be stained purple. I don’t recommend it.
15. Sometimes your windows will get dirty, and you’re just going to have to suck it up and lick your Libya.
16. Certain suggestive headwear is best not worn while in a car at night. You distract the driver every time she checks her rear-view mirror, and put your co-car-riding-conspirators in danger.
17. If you ask (for extra cherries in your whiskey sour), you shall receive (six of them).
18. There is a certain glorious joy in being allowed to put goth makeup on friends who NEVER wear makeup. Other friends of said friend will come up to you later and call you a goddess because of it. Then maybe you and other friend will make out.
19. “Pitching a pup-tent” is also still funny.
20. Leaving Valentines for waitstaff is always a good idea. Not only does it make them feel better about the tip you left, but they are more likely to remember you later. It might even make them less sad about working on Valentine’s Day.
Answer please, immediately if not sooner.
Which is better?
a) You give off an air of always having your shit together. You are sleek and graceful and responsible and attractive and chic. (You may be inaccessible, but others make the effort, because they find that they want to get to know you. Those who actually know you well occasionally brag about it.) Every blue moon or so, you do something ridiculous by accident - but nobody remembers it because it doesn’t fit into how they see you. It’s just forgotten.
b) You are quirky and go-with-the-flow. You often have stupid shit happen to you, but you tend to laugh it off with ease. Many people harbor a fiercely devoted fondness for you, although you remain something of an enigma even to your closest friends. Others remember your crazy foibles, but they don’t think less of you for it - rather, they find it endearing. When you screw up, it’s generally funnier to you than it is to anyone else.
all flushed with fever, embarassed by the crowd
Okay, here’s the deal. I went into this with a mission. I had everything story-boarded, and it was going to make sense this time. I had a vision of the recently-awoken king from that movie (you know the one) where he stares out at the oncoming hordes and - in that brief moment of hazy, electric silence - says “And so it begins.” I could practically taste the texture of what wasn’t being said. It was sweet and soft and crunchy like old corduroy, and when it hung in the air I got lost in it.
I told a secret that should have stayed secret. I let things be seen and heard that should have been kept tucked away. I put my neck on the chopping block and handed you the axe and said “Make it a clean cut, please”. You didn’t hear me. When asked to repeat myself I giggled and said “Never mind. Just trying it on for size.” I watched others do what I didn’t dare. I found myself trying things that usually aren’t allowed. (She told me you didn’t count, you know. At the time, I believed her. Maybe somewhere someone is saying the same thing about me.)
There were spills and mix-ups and flukes and falls. There were hundreds of people all wearing the same color and not a single recognizeable face. There were people who thought they knew me but didn’t, and there were people I didn’t recognize who’ve known me all along. People got hurt and people got kissed. (Some got a little of both.) Sneaky subversive plans worked perfectly and straightforward honest ones did not. I was no longer at the required safe distance for observing such unstable phenomena. Actions were misinterpreted. Lines were crossed. At the end of it all, I’m right back where I started …
but it was a fun ride.
just me and my ‘mandalee
Amandalee, my love, gave me a glowing job recommendation today. She answered all the questions right, and within five minutes of each other I got two voicemails. The first call was her, saying “I got a call! I told them all about you!” The second call was “Hello, we are offering you this job.” Woo hoo!
On TOP of which, Amanda got 2 (two) callbacks already from her TPS audition, which was only yesterday - one for Book-It and one for Centerstage. Let me repeat, woo hoo!
The best part of all of this is, when I called her to tell her that her recommendation had worked, I managed to convince her to come to the soiree tomorrow evening. I figured the hostess would be okay with that, considering they know each other already. (Right?)
Once more, just for good measure,
Okay, time to go home. I’ve got another interview tomorrow afternoon, so send me some good karma if you get a chance. Some good traffic karma, even - to light my misty way to Bellevue. (And - just for the record - check this out. This is where I’m going tomorrow. How high-tech is that?)
oh, barf
Bad news. A stomach virus the likes of which I have never seen has swooped down upon Ye Olde Theatre At Which I Am Presently Employed. Actors/crew/shop/admin people are being shot down with this thing at lightning speeds - it comes up out of absolutely nowhere. Actors have gone from “ready to go on” to “totally debilitated” in minutes. There have been occurrances of people vomiting onstage during transitions. There is actually a sign on the whiteboard in the production hallway that reads:
Underneath it, there is a drawing of several stick figures yakking … and the puke dribbles down from their feet and spells out the name of our current show. (It’s funny because it’s true.)
if I knew you were coming, I’d have
Hello, Kris’s Mom!
In other news, I have an interview for a Teaching Assistant position at a Montessori-style day school in the U-District today. Wish me luck - I think this could be a really great job for me. I’ve got another interview Friday for a similar place in Bellevue, but ick. The school is really interesting, but … I mean, it’s Bellevue. Do I love commuting that much? Probably not.
Welcome back, Raffle Queen. I enjoyed trouncing around in a short skirt and big boots holding a raffle-basket, but I’m glad you’re here again. It felt kind of like wearing really cute (but slightly ill-fitting) clothes that belong to someone else - they just look better on you.
fingertips have memories, mine can’t forget the
Amazing, the after-effect of a truly great weekend. Makes going back to the grind easier. Makes the puzzles not seem so complicated. Reminds me why I’m doing what I’m doing - and how good I have it.
Kris and I haven’t really gotten the chance to hang out in about seven years, and we haven’t talked at ALL in two, so I tell him that he HAS to come to Spin the Bottle - it’ll be the best chance for him to meet the people I love and to get some idea of what Annex is about. SGNP fills his pants with candy. Bruce and Christina sing and dance. Sgt. Rigsby is there. Maureen Whiting does a chickendance movie. Johnny K. and Kat have breakfast. Kris gets to meet Daniel, MPMid, Yukino, Ida, McCantelope, Josh, The Girl, Bret, TMFSanders, Zachypants, Susannah, John, SGNP, Meaghan, Ron, Benlau, Joshua S., Tim G., Stacey, Jerger, le Pratt, the Baron Von Krebs, Comte, and a whole slew of other crazies.
On Saturday, we got to see Dustin dance, for the first time since college. Kris calls Dustin the “poor man’s Brad Pitt”, which pretty much sums it up. He’s damn good at what he does, on top of being an incredibly charismatic, magnetic presence onstage. Dustin was Kris’s roommate, and Megan - who was Dustin’s girlfriend back in the day - is now his fiancee, as of last Thursday. Getting to hang out with them - as well as a bunch of other surprise Oles who showed up - was great. I haven’t dealt with anyone from my Alma Mater since I left it, and seeing all those familiar faces was such a trip.
On Sunday morning, the newly-engaged came to my house to pick up Kris and take him to the airport, at which point I promptly went back to sleep until it was time for rehearsal. I’m SMing Edly’s FringeAct piece, and yesterday was blocking day. I almost laughed myself sick watching this crazy-talented cast just going off and making stuff up. Imagine, if you will - Imogen Love, Kevin Mesher, Tim Gouran, Stacey Plum, Gillian Jorgensen, Josh List, and Chris Jeffries. It was out of control. I was trying to write down blocking and had to stop every few minutes to wipe my face, I was laughing so hard.
Then, it was time for dinner and pool with PWe, Mikayla, Jen, and Broote. There was a brief moment of hilarity involving “Pitching a pup-tent” and “Turtle Head-Quarters”. There was a lot of really crappy pool. We were all worn out and feeling old, so we went home early.
Today I am happier than I’ve been in a long time. I am also very, very tired.
wonder of wonders
Kris is here! I won the “who’s going to see who first” game at the airport, which is always an auspicious beginning. We went to the Garage and had dinner, where we ran into PWe and Mikayla. Then, as it was too late to go watch Eddie Izzard videos with Z and T, we went down to Pioneer Square to catch the end of the Live Girls bash and hang out with Brooke, whose soiree went much later into the night.
Also, I am going to direct for Live Girls! As part of the Baker’s Dozen festival. I haven’t directed since 2000, and am very excited about it. I may - and don’t hold me to this - say “Woo hoo!”
another political funny
Courtesy of Sarah:
To the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it”
If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty,
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq.
If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think someone has dissed us, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections,
Let’s look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.
It’s “pre-emptive non-aggression”, bomb Iraq.
Let’s prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq.
They’ve got weapons we can’t see,
And that’s good enough for me
‘Cos it’all the proof I need
Bomb Iraq.
If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think Saddam’s gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
(And he tried to kill your dad),
Bomb Iraq.
If your corporate fraud is growin’, bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin’, bomb Iraq.
If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain’t easy,
And your manhood’s getting queasy,
Bomb Iraq.
Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq.
For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq.
Disagree? We’ll call it treason,
Let’s make war not love this season,
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.
all this aggravation and satisfaction in me
Well, I made it an hour and a half this morning before wanting to shove an ice pick through my brain. I guess that’s got to say something.
Thanks to those of you who offered the kind comments and emails yesterday. They were much appreciated, as are you. Sometimes I’ve just gotta vent. Y’know?
Tonight, I get to clean in preparation for the invading horde (aka Kris) that arrives tomorrow. This is going to be a crazy, crazy weekend, and I can hardly wait.
Excuse my soul-full-of-bile attitude today, but I just wanted to note that she’s done it again. How much time has elapsed between the stamps at the bottom of these posts?
{Confidential to Daniel: This is what I was talking about - you know, times when I feel like my life isn’t real. I close my eyes thinking that I’ll open them and wake up and everything will be normal and I will be awake. Right. It didn’t work today either.}
in the end, it doesn’t even matter
I am so fucking sick of getting in trouble for shit I didn’t even know was wrong. I do something that seems good and seems right and it’s something I KNOW HAS HAPPENED BEFORE and then I get the “Oh, you did what?” look, and I am told “Oh, no, we don’t do that. I don’t like to do that.” and then “Even if we did do that, you still did it wrong” and I say “But we’ve done it before!” and I get the condescending “Please don’t try to dig yourself out of this hole, just admit that you don’t know what you’re talking about” response even though I FUCKING KNOW IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE. When she does it, it’s fine because she feels free to bend the rules at will. When I do it - thinking I’m following the rules - I automatically turn into a total moron. Later, she will tell me that she thinks I have no common sense. You know, if you give me some non-nebulous, non-bullshit, non-TOTALLY-MADE-UP-ON-THE-SPUR-OF-THE-MOMENT rules, I would probably follow them. I am pretty confident in the amount of common sense I posess. I am not, however, confident that she has ANY IDEA how emotional and irrational she is on a regular basis and how many people here have been burned by her mood swings. I’m fucking sick to death of it. I refuse to work somewhere that makes me feel like SHIT about myself EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. I am ready to spit up something, and she is not going to like how it smells.
Destroyer Plane
Destroyer Plane
Destroyer Plane
I don’t feel any better.
In all fairness, she’s a very nice person. She and I are just deathly, deathly non-suited to work together under the circumstances we currently work under. She ended up telling me that what I’d done was okay, not that I really believed her. Jesus. I just want to go home.
hurry with the fringe on top
Holy shit. I just got asked to stage manage for Theater Schmeater. I don’t know if it’s going to work out schedule-wise, but man. That’s a phone call I never thought I’d get.
On the job front, I have at least one (and probably two) interviews for jobs at childcare centers/montessori schools/private programs in the next few weeks. I also observed two Mad Science birthday parties this weekend, and I’ll be training to start doing them myself soon. AND…
*drumroll, please*
7 Strangers is coming back! Apparently, enough people enjoyed the show last time that we’re going to try it again. The original idea was to maybe turn it into a serial - I don’t know that two times makes a serial, but it definitely makes a happy Freesia. Those were some damn fun people to hang out with, and I can’t wait to get started again. Plus, there’s always the mystery about who the add-on people will be. Dina as Revelation’s girlfriend? Daniel as the goth-boy we picked up at the club? Amandalee as Donny’s long-lost-love? You NEVER KNOW. I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.
Also, I am going to be the visiting raffle duchess this weekend for Spin the Bottle. Bring your ones, your quarters, your phone numbers. I will be your momentary gambling goddess … at least until the real one returns.
In other news, I’m bored out of my mind and my cigarettes are missing. News at 11.
my love for you is ticking clock
It’s Saturday night. I’m bored. I wander the city like a nomad - along the way, I find the pants of 2003 and the best denim jacket I’ve ever seen. I buy the appropriate undergarments for the pants. I end up at Target, where I am looking at sunglasses. My phone rings.
Me: HelLO, Sonya!
Sjet: Hey, whatcha doing?
Me: I’m at Target looking at sunglasses.
Sjet: You’re WHAT?
She is going to see live music. I decide that’s a much better idea than shopping for sunglasses. First, I go over for some Scrabble, where we discover the joys of Lickable Lox Pox. We discuss whether or not people in Midieval times raged (and whether they would have spelled it ragede.) I eat the best bologna sandwich of my whole life.
After Sjet kicks my ass, we go to see Viva l’American Death Ray Music and the A-Frames at Sunset in Ballard. I pick out my big 3 - #1 is an asshole and shoves people. #2 inadvertently shields us from danger. #3 smells really good. (We both agree.) I thoroughly enjoy myself during the first show. Things really get interesting when the second band comes on. Now, I don’ t know if you’ve ever seen these guys, but they are freaking hysterical. I want them to bust into a chorus of
We drive back to Capitol Hill, where I take a shower in her bathroom since we have no hot water at my house. When I’m done, I tell her that I feel a little like I’ve just had a one-night stand. I’m coming out of the shower with my hair wet, it’s the middle of the night, and I’m putting on my shoes as quietly as I can before I kiss the girl in the bed goodbye and whisper that I’ll call her later.
another quiz
Freesia, your unconscious mind is driven most by Love
Everyone has a desire to love. But your desire is rooted very deeply in your unconscious and affects many of the decisions you make in life — whether you are aware of it or not.
You have an energy about you that inspires people to experience their true feelings of love and act kindly towards others. In this way, you and your drive for loving relationships start a chain reaction of positive experiences.
The reason you are driven by love, may be because your unconscious is trying to avoid the opposite of love — hate. You, more than others, may be afraid of experiencing severe discord with others. That may, in turn, heavily influence your choices about relationships and the way you communicate your ideas, wants, and desires to others.
With such a strong orientation towards loving others, your relationships hold a very special place in your life. Your capacity to love may be greater than those around you, and therefore you may have more to give in relationships than your romantic partner does. Remember that this is a gift you have and one most others don’t possess.
Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Love, there is much more to who you are at your core.