20 lutego 2003


Look at you, Yuki. You started this Movable Type revolution way back when and now it seems that everyone is following in your footsteps. You are so bloody chic. (But just you remember who convinced you to start a blog. ;)

Of course, if you look at it another way, it might just seem like Josh is taking over the world. This is also possible.

Posted by freesia at 14:51

I think the correct inference is fairly obvious.

Joshua @ 03:14 PM | 2003/02/20

Josh and Yuki are both masters of the art. Okay? Fucking masters. I yearn for the poetic grace of Yuki and the hard-core power of Josh. I think they’re my two favorite blogs in existence.

Go A.

swansong @ 03:43 PM | 2003/02/20

Hm, evidentally ambitions of Imperial Majesty have not been fulfilled by dominance of a single continent. What you have is never enough…

THE COMTE @ 04:19 PM | 2003/02/20

Wait a minute, he doesn’t have any authority over Canada yet.

yukino @ 06:02 PM | 2003/02/20

Not that you KNOW of…

THE COMTE @ 09:29 AM | 2003/02/21

let it be known that I, Sven Robenspiel started asking questions of Josh just the other day about MT. Though I will likely be using such a product on my soon to be launched so it’s still a super secret fancy domain.

PS, it’s sunny and warm where I am. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

sven @ 04:20 PM | 2003/02/21


(I dig MT. You’re going to love it.)

freesia @ 04:54 PM | 2003/02/21

y’all should upgrade to 2.62 already and enable trackback and trackback autodiscovery. y’all.

yukino @ 03:01 AM | 2003/02/22

I still maintain it doesn’t work for me.

swansong @ 04:38 PM | 2003/02/22

Well, the last few tries that didn’t work all had valid explanations. We should just try again. :)

yukino @ 11:13 PM | 2003/02/22


how are you?

I miss you, licia!

Libby @ 12:00 PM | 2003/02/24