we get these rules to follow
This may be more for my benefit than yours - but here’s how I feel about a whole lot of stuff today.
(borrowed from Sarah, again.)
Oh, and before you go … click on this, please.
Have you ever…
Fallen for your best friend? Yes, on several occasions. Sometimes it’s a great idea, and sometimes it’s just stupid.
been rejected? Um, yeah. It happens to everybody.
been in love? A couple of times. ‘Tis definitely better to have loved and have lost, by the way.
been in lust? Absofuckinglutely. Although (to tie it in with a conversation I had last week) it mostly happens after I get to know the person.
Cheated on someone? No, never. I think it’s a shitty thing to do to someone. I have also never been the “Other Woman”… as far as I know.
been cheated on? No, thank god.
done something you regret? I’m much more likely to regret stuff I DON’T do.
Who was the last person…
You touched? PWe
You talked to? A toddler who answered her mom’s phone
you hugged? Daniel
you instant messaged? my mom
you yelled at? Eli, during closing night of 7 Strangers
You laughed with? A little barking kid this morning
Have you/are you/do you…
Understanding: yes
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: occasionally, but it never lasts long
Insecure: sometimes
Interesting: That’s the word on the street…
Hungry: not anymore
Friendly: sometimes to a fault
Smart: not as much as I used to be, but yes.
Moody: um. Occasionally.
Childish: nope
Independent: hell yeah.
Hard working: not particularly.
Organized: I like to THINK I am
Healthy: most of the time…
Emotionally Stable: depends on the weather
Shy: sometimes.
Difficult: mostly, no
Attractive: Damn Right.
Bored Easily: sort of.
Thirsty: constantly
Responsible: theoretically
Sad: it kind of comes and goes in waves
Happy: in intense bits and starts
Trusting: I used to trust too much. Now I second-guess myself every time - but I can’t just stop trusting people. It doesn’t work that way.
Talkative: I can be.
Original: I certainly like to think so.
Lonely: Sometimes.
Color your hair? I’m an addict.
Have tattoos? Two. One is coming soon.
Piercings? 16, only three of which are currently being used
Floss daily? Um, NO.
Own a webcam? Nope.
Ever get off the damn computer? I don’t own one, so when I get off work I’m pretty much done.
Sprechen sie deutsche? Nein.
Habla espanol? No habla espanol.
Current Clothes: this was a “drag myself out of bed and crawl directly to work” day. Chucks, jeans, Drama School sweatshirt.
Current Mood: trying to wake up.
Current Hair: washed yesterday. This morning I got it wet, covered it in texturizer, and shook like a dog. Voila!
Current Annoyance: I want to know if I got this job or not. The waiting is killing me.
Current thing you ought to be doing: working. Ha!
Current Desktop Picture: this one.
Current Favorite Group: I think it might be Evanescence. Maybe Queens of the Stone Age.
Current Book: About to start the new Donna Tartt book.
Current movie In VCR: I forced Kris to watch Spice World with me, and I think the tape may still be in there.
Current Refreshment: La-La-La-Latte!
Current Worry: That the job crap won’t all work out for the best. That I’m going to lose one job before having another one secured. That I’m going to be broke.
Current Crush: Um. So, this is kind of embarassing, but I’ve got a total crush on Eminem. (My hot elf phase is over.)
Food: Vietnamese
Drink: Sobe Green Tea
Color: deep silvery blue
Shoes: the knee-high platform zip-up shitkicking boots that make me 6’1”.
Candy: Hot Tamales
TV Show: Buffy
Movies: Birdy, Strictly Ballroom, Gia. NOT The Foreigner.
Dance: up on the platform at The Saloon in Minneapolis on a Thursday night. There’s fog everywhere. We’re wearing tight clothes and a lot of glitter, and they’re probably playing a club version of Cher in the background.
Vegetables: asparagooses
Fruits: satsumas
On Dating…
Long or short hair? either - and occasionally no hair at all!
Dark or blond hair? any
Tall or short? are you are least sort-of my height? Good enough.
Sensitive or Funny? both
Good or bad? both
Dark or light eyes? either
Hat or no hat? doesn’t matter.
Pierced or no? I like ‘em, but it’s not a dealbreaker.
Freckles or none? either
On preferences…
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? hot chocolate with Kahlua
McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? Oh, can’t I have both?
Sweet or sour? Salty
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? I’m a Pepper too.
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Enh. The comedy and horror don’t do anything for me.
Cats or dogs? DEFINITELY dogs.
Ocean or Pool? Nice clean Olympic-size pool with (non-scary) diving blocks and brand new (non-scratchy) lane lines, please. If I can be alone in it to do my laps, that’s even better.
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Ranch, baby.
Vanilla or Chocolate? Pistachio
Eyes open or closed? Depends on what exactly I’m doing. (Kissing? Closed.)
Fly or breathe under water? fly
Bunk-bed or waterbed? I’ve slept in bunkbeds for many, many years of my life. You know what I really want? A Bunk Waterbed.