18 lutego 2003

plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose

I’ve come a long way, baby.

Posted by freesia at 11:31

Actually, it was only like a mile and a half, wasn’t it?

Joshua @ 12:57 PM | 2003/02/18

word hon

you and me both

go you

nenie @ 01:37 PM | 2003/02/18

yay for you, girlie!

by the way, i upgraded you to movable type 2.62. hope you don’t mind.

yukino @ 02:53 PM | 2003/02/18

of course not. You’re a SUPERHERO.

freesia @ 04:22 PM | 2003/02/18

oh, and Josh -

Distance: 4.2 miles
Approximate Travel Time: 7 mins

freesia @ 05:03 PM | 2003/02/18

Sometimes you bleed just to know you’re alive.

Keep on going, and never look back.

swansong @ 07:02 AM | 2003/02/20