my love for you is ticking clock
It’s Saturday night. I’m bored. I wander the city like a nomad - along the way, I find the pants of 2003 and the best denim jacket I’ve ever seen. I buy the appropriate undergarments for the pants. I end up at Target, where I am looking at sunglasses. My phone rings.
Me: HelLO, Sonya!
Sjet: Hey, whatcha doing?
Me: I’m at Target looking at sunglasses.
Sjet: You’re WHAT?
She is going to see live music. I decide that’s a much better idea than shopping for sunglasses. First, I go over for some Scrabble, where we discover the joys of Lickable Lox Pox. We discuss whether or not people in Midieval times raged (and whether they would have spelled it ragede.) I eat the best bologna sandwich of my whole life.
After Sjet kicks my ass, we go to see Viva l’American Death Ray Music and the A-Frames at Sunset in Ballard. I pick out my big 3 - #1 is an asshole and shoves people. #2 inadvertently shields us from danger. #3 smells really good. (We both agree.) I thoroughly enjoy myself during the first show. Things really get interesting when the second band comes on. Now, I don’ t know if you’ve ever seen these guys, but they are freaking hysterical. I want them to bust into a chorus of
We drive back to Capitol Hill, where I take a shower in her bathroom since we have no hot water at my house. When I’m done, I tell her that I feel a little like I’ve just had a one-night stand. I’m coming out of the shower with my hair wet, it’s the middle of the night, and I’m putting on my shoes as quietly as I can before I kiss the girl in the bed goodbye and whisper that I’ll call her later.
I always thought it was “making fuck.”
You have just summed up why playing music in bars can sometimes be such a drag.
I have a friend who likes to shout “play that good one!” while I am playing. With friends like these who needs enemas?
People rarely heckle theatre.
thank god.
“Play something with a little panache!”