I'm sitting down to eat, and I put on the recording of Junkyard Wars. They are introducing the first team, and the announcer states that these guys are from Ford. Right then, I go: "Aw man, they've already lost the competetion. What's the point of watching now?"
From the five dumbest... list: As the Associated Press reported late last week, the beverage and confectionary conglomerate has apologized for the ineffable taste of an ad that ran in a Bombay newspaper on the occasion of India's independence day. In an advertisement spotlighting Kashmir, over control of which India has long fought with adjacent Pakistan, the company posed the question, "I'm good. I'm tempting. I'm too good to share. What am I? Cadbury's Temptations or Kashmir?"
I'm no web guru, nor am I a photographer, so here's my best effort:
looking east
looking west
AVI's, best viewed with Quicktime:
front from across the street
front up close
looking towards the west - front side
looking towards the west - rear
So, I got the camera from the p's. Installed the software and drivers on the laptop, and took a test pik and a test video. Those came out, and now I need to find out how to post those here, so I can put up future stuff.
Heh - so I had found an article on MSNBC about pet gadgets last week. Reading it, I found a link to a site that sells litter free littter boxes. The thing is self cleaning - almost like a self flushing toilet for cats. I was intrigued, but skeptical on it's abilities. So, I wrote an email to the Fox station, cause they do a lot of consumer related spots - including one they call 'Deal or Dud', to see if they'd be willing to do research on it. Hey, why spend $300 to find out the thing doesn't work, if someone could do that for you. I got a reply today thanking me for the great idea and they'll see what they can do.
So, I guess we'll see if it is really a great idea, and if they do anything with it.
I'm on my way to the lot, to see how it looks. On the way, I pass a sign that says: Warning Low Flying Aircraft. Now, I am wondering, just how low does an aircraft have to be in order for motorists to be on the lookout for them? The best I could figure out, is that you need to watch out so that if one hits the power pole, you might be able to avoid the pole and/or plane crashing into you.
Looks like the majority of the forms are in place. They've got the foundation, walkway up to the house - which looks really nice, since there is about 4-5' elevation from my house to street level, annd the front sidewalk blocked up. I would suspect that if stops raining, they'll pour in the next couple days.
Well, had a full diatribe as to why I felt that this O'Reilly or whatever form the Fox show - Pulse (?) - is a complete moron. However, Microsoft being the king of ass wiped 45 minutes of work. So, you get nothing.
The short 2 minute version is that his conclusions about forcing Germany to attack Saddam because we helped recontstruct and protect them were wrong. He should be embarrased by his public display of lack of intelligence, and Fox should be so as well. Wait, did I just say Fox should be embarrased by what it puts on the airwaves.... whoa, almost thinking of it as a real network, scary.
After 1 failed inspection, and 1 cancelled inspection, the plumbing rough was approved today, so the foundation can be started. This'll prolly be early/mid next week, then time to dry, and inspection; they could start the frame the last week of the month.
Today I went to the podiatrist because I felt I had an ingrown toenail. I started gettiing some pain a little over a week ago, and figured it was due to the nail being somewhere where it shouldn't and cutting into the skin. Hence, an ingrown toenail. So, being a bright person, I figured all that needed to be done was trim the nail to where you want it to be. No prob, my scissors could do it. Well, the scissors didn't work out. So, I figured all I needed was a scaple to cut the nail, but then I'd need something to numb the toe. Then I figured I could just use some needle nose cutters. Finally, I came to my senses - mainly because I didn't have access to any of the above tools - and decided I should just have the doctor do it.
He, of course, recognized that I had attempted to do it myself - but then, just about everybody tries to do "bathroom surgery". I told him I had attempted to trim it - figuring that was all that was needed - but realized that the only way to get at it would be to numb the toe and use a blade to trim the nail, which is why I came in.
After numbing the toe - which hurt. The needle wasn't bad, but the anesthetic goig in didn't give the "burning sensation". It gave a painful sensation. That was the worst of it. He removed the offendng piece - telling me I would never have gotten it myself (duh, that's why I was there), and used acid to prevent the nail from growing out that portion to ensure I won't get an ingrown nail there again.
The moral: if you suspect you have an ingrown toe nail, don't try to trim it your self. Instead, soak the foot in warm salt water for 10 minutes a day, as much as twice a day for a week or two. This is the doctor recommended means of treating ingrown nails at the beginning. If this does not show improvement, go in and have it taken care of.
This has been a public service announcement from the foolish who felt self trimming would work.
Went to the store today. No Lorina products, but I did manage to score the last two boxes of real Squirt.
They also finished the plumbing rough - that is trenching and bringing in the water main and sewer drain to the lot. Tomorrow is the inspection, and once that is completed, they can start with the foundation.
Had some chicken fingers from Arby's for lunch - pretty tasty.
Mr. Lee, I saw the episode of Good Eats that covered frying
again yesterday. He does in fact recommend two frying
sessions, so your aunt was correct.
State Farm can now officially kiss my ass.
As my policy was being canceled, I was asked why I was canceling. I surpressed the "Cause this agency lacks basic customer service, and State Farm is a pretty crappy insurance company", and went with the "I got a much much better rate that you're not able to beat".
The guy responded saying that business has been rough with all the mold claims being made. Now, this statement says this to me: our company has a poor business model and was not able to forsee actually having to make claim payments. Therefore, we will make up for our short-sightedness and poor business practices by raising all rates across all policies to make up for our shortfall.
Now, granted I am naive, but I feel that if a company makes bad decisions and policies, it is the company that should shoulder the consequences. Either by upper management taking a hit in compensation, or the company simply not earning as much, or taking away some of it's savings.
I mean, come on. You're an insurance company, you bet against having to pay out claims. You lost the bet this year. Deal with it.
Oh yeah, 2 more things I am looking forward to in moving. 1) I will actually begin to receive ALL my mail. Appearantly, having multiple boxes to put mail in confuses the mail man. This month, it was the electricity bill that never made it. Luckily, they only charge a $1 late fee, and were very prompt in letting me know that it was late. 2) my electricity costs will go down. This month, it was $180 - this is because the air conditioner unit needs to run constantly throughout the day to keep the place at 80 when the temps get over 90 outside. Since the new place is equiped with a unit that actually cools the place down, and is more energy efficient, I am looking forward to more reasonable bills.
Ok, so I have within the last few months been cracking down on various bills I get. This started around the beginning of the year when I noticed that my comminucations (cable/phone/internet) bill was steadily increasing, and the Allstate fiasco.
I called the telecom company and asked where all these fees and taxes mysteriously came from, and why they seemed to be more and more - at one bill, there were 14 different fees being charged. They gave me the canned b.s., and I told them that I worked in the telecom industry. I know that they were losing money, and trying to recap costs by introducing various fees. I also know that they could only introduce so many fess, and some of those fees have a cap, and I was being overcharged. After that, the number of fees and amounts reduced - not to where they were previously, but at a point where I find them to be acceptable.
So, in July, with the house coming up, I've been watching bills much closer, and have adopted the stance that if it's a misbilling, overcharge, etc. to pursue it. So I get a statement from wonderful State Farm in July saying they were increasing my rates by $400 per 6 months. So I called the agent and asked what was up - since there was no explaination as to why the rates were increasing. She said, oh, State Farm is increasing their rates. I asked by $800 per year? So she went and looked at my file and told me that they decided that the tickets I got in early '99 would put me in a higher rate category. Oh, so 6 months after I've been with State Farm, and over 3 years since my last ticket, and State Farm feels I am magically a higher risk than I was 6 months earlier. Right. I know what this means - we need an excuse to get you to pay us more money. So, after some manipulation, I got my rate changed to just below what I was paying in the previous 6 month period.
So, today, I get the automatic withdrawal statement saying they took out $226.32 - which is the pre-changed rate, and that they will reduce next month's rate by $46.07, to bring that total to $134.13, and each month later $179.20. Now, even with a $1 service charge, these numbers do not add up. So, I called the agent. After 12 minutes of trying to explain this to her, she didn't see any difference. So, I told her, take $226.32 and subtract $46.07, what do you get?
$180.25. Now subtract the $1 service charge, what do you get? $179.25. Now, does $179.25 equal $179.32???
Then she started getting rude and asked if this was all over pennies. I told her, yes, this is over 5 cents that I have been overcharge. This is money that State Farm is not entitled to. Now, you may see me being petty asking for 5 cents, but I don't see it being any more petty than State Farm trying to take 5 cents cause they can't subtract or feel it's too little to notice or do something about. She said to stop by and get my 5 cents from her.
So, with the arbitrary rate hike, the rudeness of the agent, and all, I went looking for another insurance agency. I asked a coworker who he was with, and he told me, and said that after going through 4 agencies himself in 4 years, he's been really happy with this agent.
I stopped by, and after talking with the agent, I now have another insurance company. I will now save $1000 a year with slightly higher coverage. And, this company will actually do a homeowners insurance policy - while the State Farm agency would not. So, with a homeowners policy, my auto insurance rates would go down $260, if I choose to go with them for a homeowners policy.
Oh, and I couldn't cancel my State Farm policy today cause the bastards close the office early today.
Now with my bills going down an additional $90 per month, I'll have enough to actually deduct into a retirement account.
So, I say a hearty FUCK YOU and I WISH NOTHING BUT PAIN AND SUFFERING to State Farm, and officially put them on my list of companies that I will have absolutely no dealings with - alongside Ford, Enterprise, and Allstate.
Crazy year. This year seems to hold many visits for me. My parents visited in March. Then the Roy in May, Mike and Jet in July, possibly Gene during Labor Day, and now Kurt in the end of September. Very odd year indeed....
Then there's the small visit to Gene sometime in October, and a visit to Champaign during Christmas time.
An evil thought just came to mind, if Kurt came a few weeks later, he could help me move the tv again...
Wow - as the sun starts to set, the sky is shaded in purples and reds. Quite cool.
And as much as I hate the 'can you shit on me now' Verizon commercials, I did find the one with the ferret quite funny.
Heh, first Gene was liked to some violence cases, now he is being linked to the dawn of speech.
I am awaiting the arrival of my parents digital camera. There have been inquiries to provide pictures of the house construction. My options are to use my camera, and wait until 36 pictures are taken, then develop, then find a scanner, and scan - which would probably make them available some time next year. Or, to use their digital camera. Knowing my father, this may take as much as 2-3 weeks to be sent. Once/if, I have it, I'll start taking pictures and posting them. More than likely, the first pictures will be after the foundation - have already missed the original lot, and the grading of the lot.
Went to see the lot last night. They have the forms up for the slab. Next, trenching needs to be done and the plumber comes out to lay the water and sewage pipes. After that and the inspections, the foundation will be poured - prolly around the end of next week. Then things will move along.
Had the meeting with the builder today. Went over the plans and options and such. He feels that it'll prolly be completed in October, which is a month or so earlier then originally expected. I hope that I'll have enough for closing. Although, since my first mortgage won't be until the 1st of the month, after 1 full month has passed after closing, it may be possible to do any make up to break my lease during the month of October.
Well, we'll see when it gets closer to being finished.
Oh, Mike/Jet, I talked to him about moving the toilet and medicine cabinet in the master bath, and he didn't see any problems with that. :)
Oh yeah,
Remembered another part of the conversation with Roy:
me: Well, I'm not the only one who thinks it's pompitous.
Roy: Oh yeah, who else does?
me: Well, um.... Homer Simpson does.
I hear that "The Young Ones" will be coming out on DVD. It's a very cool show that made it's way to MTV while I was in High School, I believe. This is cool, since BBC America only shows them sporadically.
I should also check out if Red Dwarf has a DVD release. Also need to check if Red Dwarf is over - I'd be dissapointed if 'Only the Good' was the last episode. Heh, each time I see the UK Junkyard Wars, I expect Robert to get into character and say "You're a total smeeeeeeeeeg head"
On the way to work, I heard a certain Steve Miller song, which reminded me of a somewhat recent conversation:
me: Say Roy, what is a pompetous?
Roy: A what?
me: A pompetous, you know, like in that Steve Miller song.
'Cause I speak of the pompetous of love...
Roy: <*pause*> Do you mean, properties?
me: Oh, properties. That doesn't sound like pompetous at all.
Just before Mike and Jet visited, I had purchased a 12 pack of the new Squirt. I must say I am thoroughly disappointed. They removed the orange and lemon juices, and it tastes somewhat nasty. Now, my choices in caffeine free drinks are reduced - with my favorite being obliterated. Bought some Sierra Mist, and remembered why I don't get that often. Looks like it's lemonaid as my main choice of drink....
I meet with the builder on Friday for the pre-build meeting.
Well, I get to meet with the builder soon to go over the plans and such. After that, they'll start building. Another step closer to getting away from apartment life. Relatedly, the little shits next door kept me up past 2am with their incessant crying and screaming. First, I yelled at the top of my lungs 'quiet', which worked for about 20 minutes. Then I yelled 'shut up', which worked for about 30 minutes. Then, I yelled 'god fucking dammit, such your fucking mouth and get to fucking bed, you fucking little piece of shit'. Then it was quiet. Why is it that the little shits never shut up for good until I have to swear at them? I'll have to make yet another complaint against them.
Also, I caught less than a minute of that Anna Nicole Show. Holy shit did she blow up. I knew she was headed towards gaining weight, but Jesus, she's literally like a hippo now. And, it appears she has become even stupider. Why, what possesses someone to think that a show like that is actually a good idea???
So, it's 9:45 and I so want to go home. Stupid voice switch group causing problems making me stay forever... I don't think I'll be coming in on Monday.
This was funny, for both the description and the smack down:
"Dear Evil Princess Sara,
People have the tendency to use idiotic expressions in conversations because they lack the necessary vocabulary to translate their thoughts into even the most rudementary of words. One of the more annoying ones is 'well, there's more than one way to skin a cat!'. If this is true, between fellow instigators of mayhem and doom, how many ways ARE there to
skin a cat?
The answer, my anonymous lackey, is that you don't. There is no better model of subtle villainy to aspire to than your average housecat. They mastered Lady Macbeth's advice to "look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" before humans figured out indoor plumbing. Any species capable of elevating themselves to godhood and enslaving the human race without even having opposable thumbs is not to be trifled with. Better to watch and learn, and occasionally give chin scratchies.
And if I were you, Captain Nemo, I wouldn't pride myself so blatantly on the dizzying power of my vocabulary when I can't spell "rudimentary" correctly.
According to MSNBC's Health Quiz, the biggest factor contributing to my early demise is the lack of a girlfriend/wife, and not having any friends visit me - or any friends in the area. So, dammit, not visiting me is killing me!! :)
It stated that about 7 years is cut off my life because of this. While my currernt excesize/eating habits only reduce it by about 3.
So, been playing around with the site. It's acceptable now... want to finnd out why the linnes under the date don't always show up, and why text entered doesn't seem to show the spaces after a period. Also, need to figure out how to have links on the sidedbar open a new window, get a label for Mickey's site, and other stuff. Perhaps over time, I'll get real backdrops, or something.
Notable events:
Wednesday night, a small aircraft decided to use US 75 as a lnading strip in Plano.
2 former WorldCom execs face up to 65 years of hopeful ass reaming. Now we wait for the big cheese to get his.
I need new pants, and, luckily/unluckily, this weekend is the tax free shopping weekend. So, I won't pay sales tax, but I'll have to go to overcrowded stores to get them. Plus, I really don't have the funds to go shopping.
Only 1 more car payment left. After September 2nd, the car will be mine - it should only have 110k miles on it by then.