August 2, 2002

This was funny, for both the description and the smack down:

"Dear Evil Princess Sara,

People have the tendency to use idiotic expressions in conversations because they lack the necessary vocabulary to translate their thoughts into even the most rudementary of words. One of the more annoying ones is 'well, there's more than one way to skin a cat!'. If this is true, between fellow instigators of mayhem and doom, how many ways ARE there to
skin a cat?


The answer, my anonymous lackey, is that you don't. There is no better model of subtle villainy to aspire to than your average housecat. They mastered Lady Macbeth's advice to "look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" before humans figured out indoor plumbing. Any species capable of elevating themselves to godhood and enslaving the human race without even having opposable thumbs is not to be trifled with. Better to watch and learn, and occasionally give chin scratchies.

And if I were you, Captain Nemo, I wouldn't pride myself so blatantly on the dizzying power of my vocabulary when I can't spell "rudimentary" correctly.

From 8 Bit Theater

Posted by haglund at August 2, 2002 1:54 PM