August 15, 2002

Ok, so I have within the last few months been cracking down on various bills I get. This started around the beginning of the year when I noticed that my comminucations (cable/phone/internet) bill was steadily increasing, and the Allstate fiasco.
I called the telecom company and asked where all these fees and taxes mysteriously came from, and why they seemed to be more and more - at one bill, there were 14 different fees being charged. They gave me the canned b.s., and I told them that I worked in the telecom industry. I know that they were losing money, and trying to recap costs by introducing various fees. I also know that they could only introduce so many fess, and some of those fees have a cap, and I was being overcharged. After that, the number of fees and amounts reduced - not to where they were previously, but at a point where I find them to be acceptable.

So, in July, with the house coming up, I've been watching bills much closer, and have adopted the stance that if it's a misbilling, overcharge, etc. to pursue it. So I get a statement from wonderful State Farm in July saying they were increasing my rates by $400 per 6 months. So I called the agent and asked what was up - since there was no explaination as to why the rates were increasing. She said, oh, State Farm is increasing their rates. I asked by $800 per year? So she went and looked at my file and told me that they decided that the tickets I got in early '99 would put me in a higher rate category. Oh, so 6 months after I've been with State Farm, and over 3 years since my last ticket, and State Farm feels I am magically a higher risk than I was 6 months earlier. Right. I know what this means - we need an excuse to get you to pay us more money. So, after some manipulation, I got my rate changed to just below what I was paying in the previous 6 month period.
So, today, I get the automatic withdrawal statement saying they took out $226.32 - which is the pre-changed rate, and that they will reduce next month's rate by $46.07, to bring that total to $134.13, and each month later $179.20. Now, even with a $1 service charge, these numbers do not add up. So, I called the agent. After 12 minutes of trying to explain this to her, she didn't see any difference. So, I told her, take $226.32 and subtract $46.07, what do you get?
$180.25. Now subtract the $1 service charge, what do you get? $179.25. Now, does $179.25 equal $179.32???
Then she started getting rude and asked if this was all over pennies. I told her, yes, this is over 5 cents that I have been overcharge. This is money that State Farm is not entitled to. Now, you may see me being petty asking for 5 cents, but I don't see it being any more petty than State Farm trying to take 5 cents cause they can't subtract or feel it's too little to notice or do something about. She said to stop by and get my 5 cents from her.
So, with the arbitrary rate hike, the rudeness of the agent, and all, I went looking for another insurance agency. I asked a coworker who he was with, and he told me, and said that after going through 4 agencies himself in 4 years, he's been really happy with this agent.
I stopped by, and after talking with the agent, I now have another insurance company. I will now save $1000 a year with slightly higher coverage. And, this company will actually do a homeowners insurance policy - while the State Farm agency would not. So, with a homeowners policy, my auto insurance rates would go down $260, if I choose to go with them for a homeowners policy.

Oh, and I couldn't cancel my State Farm policy today cause the bastards close the office early today.

Now with my bills going down an additional $90 per month, I'll have enough to actually deduct into a retirement account.

So, I say a hearty FUCK YOU and I WISH NOTHING BUT PAIN AND SUFFERING to State Farm, and officially put them on my list of companies that I will have absolutely no dealings with - alongside Ford, Enterprise, and Allstate.

Posted by haglund at August 15, 2002 6:15 PM