August 28, 2002

Heh - so I had found an article on MSNBC about pet gadgets last week. Reading it, I found a link to a site that sells litter free littter boxes. The thing is self cleaning - almost like a self flushing toilet for cats. I was intrigued, but skeptical on it's abilities. So, I wrote an email to the Fox station, cause they do a lot of consumer related spots - including one they call 'Deal or Dud', to see if they'd be willing to do research on it. Hey, why spend $300 to find out the thing doesn't work, if someone could do that for you. I got a reply today thanking me for the great idea and they'll see what they can do.

So, I guess we'll see if it is really a great idea, and if they do anything with it.

Posted by haglund at August 28, 2002 4:53 PM