So, been playing around with the site. It's acceptable now... want to finnd out why the linnes under the date don't always show up, and why text entered doesn't seem to show the spaces after a period. Also, need to figure out how to have links on the sidedbar open a new window, get a label for Mickey's site, and other stuff. Perhaps over time, I'll get real backdrops, or something.
Notable events:
Wednesday night, a small aircraft decided to use US 75 as a lnading strip in Plano.
2 former WorldCom execs face up to 65 years of hopeful ass reaming. Now we wait for the big cheese to get his.
I need new pants, and, luckily/unluckily, this weekend is the tax free shopping weekend. So, I won't pay sales tax, but I'll have to go to overcrowded stores to get them. Plus, I really don't have the funds to go shopping.
Only 1 more car payment left. After September 2nd, the car will be mine - it should only have 110k miles on it by then.
Posted by haglund at August 1, 2002 2:40 PM