Well, I get to meet with the builder soon to go over the plans and such. After that, they'll start building. Another step closer to getting away from apartment life. Relatedly, the little shits next door kept me up past 2am with their incessant crying and screaming. First, I yelled at the top of my lungs 'quiet', which worked for about 20 minutes. Then I yelled 'shut up', which worked for about 30 minutes. Then, I yelled 'god fucking dammit, such your fucking mouth and get to fucking bed, you fucking little piece of shit'. Then it was quiet. Why is it that the little shits never shut up for good until I have to swear at them? I'll have to make yet another complaint against them.
Also, I caught less than a minute of that Anna Nicole Show. Holy shit did she blow up. I knew she was headed towards gaining weight, but Jesus, she's literally like a hippo now. And, it appears she has become even stupider. Why, what possesses someone to think that a show like that is actually a good idea???
Posted by haglund at August 6, 2002 1:35 PM