August 22, 2002

Today I went to the podiatrist because I felt I had an ingrown toenail. I started gettiing some pain a little over a week ago, and figured it was due to the nail being somewhere where it shouldn't and cutting into the skin. Hence, an ingrown toenail. So, being a bright person, I figured all that needed to be done was trim the nail to where you want it to be. No prob, my scissors could do it. Well, the scissors didn't work out. So, I figured all I needed was a scaple to cut the nail, but then I'd need something to numb the toe. Then I figured I could just use some needle nose cutters. Finally, I came to my senses - mainly because I didn't have access to any of the above tools - and decided I should just have the doctor do it.

He, of course, recognized that I had attempted to do it myself - but then, just about everybody tries to do "bathroom surgery". I told him I had attempted to trim it - figuring that was all that was needed - but realized that the only way to get at it would be to numb the toe and use a blade to trim the nail, which is why I came in.

After numbing the toe - which hurt. The needle wasn't bad, but the anesthetic goig in didn't give the "burning sensation". It gave a painful sensation. That was the worst of it. He removed the offendng piece - telling me I would never have gotten it myself (duh, that's why I was there), and used acid to prevent the nail from growing out that portion to ensure I won't get an ingrown nail there again.

The moral: if you suspect you have an ingrown toe nail, don't try to trim it your self. Instead, soak the foot in warm salt water for 10 minutes a day, as much as twice a day for a week or two. This is the doctor recommended means of treating ingrown nails at the beginning. If this does not show improvement, go in and have it taken care of.

This has been a public service announcement from the foolish who felt self trimming would work.

Posted by haglund at August 22, 2002 11:21 AM