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January 31, 2004
Praise the Bean

Those of you who have known me for a while might know that a few years ago I stopped drinking caffeine cold turkey in order to prevent what could've become an ulcer. What those of you armed with this knowledge might not know is the following - over the past year, I have begun to backslide slowly into caffeine. Right now, it's limited to the occasional ice coffee or cola for nostalgia's or awakeness' sake, and I honestly do not forsee it going much further than that point because of how my body now reacts to caffeine.

My current reaction to caffeine roughly follows this pattern: there's that little bit of euphoria as the system remembers just how good it is have it again. Then comes the sugar-high-esque rush promptly followed by inevitable dulling of the mind. Worst of all is when the stomach then decides to start imploding on you. Now that I think about it, it's probably a lot like a gone clean junkie getting a hit after a while. This is probably all very unsurprising since caffeine is supposed to one of the most addictive substances out there.

At this point, I can imagine some of you are wondering why I decided to relate this little vignette to you now. Well...let's just say getting a CaraMocha at Border's seemed like a good idea about an hour ago. Now if you'll please excuse me, I need to grasp my stomach for a while and hunch over.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.01.31 23:19 PM
Drinking the Kool-Aid Again

Earlier this week, I got a phone call out of the blue from the state Dean organization asking if I wanted to hear The Man speak yesterday. Rather impulsively, I jumped on the chance in spite of the fact that the event was happening in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday. Given the recent losses in Iowa & New Hampshire coupled with the rather shocking (but unsurprising) revelation that the vast war chest was mostly gone had definitely taken away a lot of enthusiasm I had for his campaign. Still, I wanted to see Dean in person because I've heard how good a speaker he is live. I also wanted to go to confirm that my initial faith in him wasn't misplaced and to give him chance to convince me that he is still the best person running to be President of the United States. So, I said yes without giving it much of a second thought.

Yesterday, the day finally came around. I ended up cutting out from work a little later than I wanted to, but it was no big deal. Before I left, one of my co-workers jokingly asked me to tape record the scream if there was an encore performance. Parking wasn't too bad, but the crowd control was just pathetic for an event like this - people just millling trying to figure out where to sign-in if you were on the "cool kids" list. Seemed very unprofessional, but according to people attending, both Kerry's and Edwards' events were just as chaotic. However, I was able to get in to the main event so it was all good in the end.

Like all good rock-n-roll type events, the actual show started fashionably late at 3 pm, about an hour later than what was originally said. The head of the Missouri State Historical Society gave a nice little speech on the import and uniqueness of the American presidential primary. He was followed up by the superintendent of the Northwest School District, who helped give a first-hand perspective on how destructive No Child Left Behind has been to schools across the nation before introducing Dean to a very pumped and enthusiastic crowd.

Dean then launched into an education-focused policy talk. He covered a lot territory over the course of the event - he discussed how No Child Left Behind was an unfunded mandate modelled on the lie of the Houston Miracle, the importance of parental involvement, the need for post-high school education, why fully funding special education is important, etc. Through out the speech, he threw out the crowd pleasing anti-Dubya / corporate & special interest digs that always got the applause. After the speech, there was a bit of Q & A that included a question on homeschooling, tort reform and something else. I ended up leaving at that point; although Dean was going to work the crowds in the overflow room after that, I'm not much for crowds.

(A much better write-up of the event can be found in this diary entry at Daily Kos)

I was very impressed with how Dean handled himself. He really does have a wonderful talent for speaking. I definitely sensed that the physician's background really does play a big role in defining him - asides from the great interest in health issues, he had a doctorly manner of giving his diagnosis, explaining why he believed that was the case, and why the solution he's proposing will solve this problem. Plus he's able to say all of this without sounding condescending / holier than thou. I think it this sort of quality that really helps gives him well-deserved straight talker reputation.

In the end, I guess the Kool-Aid has won out again. I am still firmly behind Dean. I truly believe that he is the best candidate to lead our nation. I am going to hit the bat once more. I am going to talk with my friends and parents and see if they can be convinced. Although I don't harbor any illusions that Dean will win MO, at the very least we can get him some delegates to keep the dream alive.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.01.31 03:37 AM
January 24, 2004

Lifted from the LA Times (registration blah blah) by way of The American Prospect's blog - The Talking Mean Dean Doll. Although it's not surprising that the company in question making one - they've made all sort of political news du jour dolls for Bush, Hussein and others - how many other of the Democratic Party presidential candidates have their own action figure née doll?

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.01.24 22:18 PM

Today's been a strangely domestic. I ended up cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom pretty thoroughly. This includes actually scrubbing the tub and taking out all the trash in the place. (insert *gasps* here.) After that, I made some lasgana and am currently in the process of making a pumpkin pie. The lasgana turned out very nicely - I was actually smart enough cook the component ingredients and let them cool down in order to reduce the water content. Plus the chopped artichoke hearts added a nice slightly sour accent to overall flavor. The pumpkin pie is currently cooling so I'll have to let you know about it later.

I also ended up doing more "death yoga" as I've come to know Power Yoga - Total Body Workout. This time I was able to get through the entire workout. I've gotten better at the half-moon poses and was actually able to pull off the Warrior I -> Warrior III. However, the bevy of taxing poses that followed just kicked my ass...especially the Upwards Bow. EEEEEEEVEL.

Based on today, I think I could handle this domestic lifestyle quite well.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.01.24 21:42 PM
January 18, 2004
Contortionism occurs in real time

Finally broke open the "Power Yoga - Total Body Workout" DVD I got about a month ago. I actually watched through all of it yesterday to see what I'd be getting myself into. My initial impressions was of fear and terror as some of the poses and sequences were very intimidating. The reality wasn't nearly as bad...at least in the beginning. I picked up most of the new poses – upward facing dog, cobra pose and plank pose to name a few - pretty easily in the first 20 minutes. Then came second chapter and its seven pose sequence including a half-moon pose. I gave up there and skipped to the relaxation chapter. All in all, I think it's a good workout in that "kick your ass every which way" vein. I'm going to try and make a concerted effort to try to do as much of it as I can regularly.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.01.18 22:46 PM
January 12, 2004
Royalty Fed

Among the odder things I caught on tv while staying at my sister's condo with the P's was a Korean period drama on the kitchen staff of the royal house. Although I didn't understand a lot of things being said, the subtitles helped me along the way. It was really interesting to see all the fabulously colored dishes in shiny brass serving pieces. The best part, however, was theory and instruction it gave on royal cuisine - it's fascinating to watch and learn a little bit of how food was prepared back then. The backstabbing that normally comes with office politics is just icing on the cake.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.01.12 22:00 PM
January 08, 2004
I've got the hookup

"Free" GPRS service + Cell Phone with Bluetooth + Powerbook = Dial-up speeds internet connection lurvin.

It's not WiFi and I'm pretty much limited to browsing, but it'll do in a pinch.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.01.08 22:41 PM