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Praise the Bean

Those of you who have known me for a while might know that a few years ago I stopped drinking caffeine cold turkey in order to prevent what could've become an ulcer. What those of you armed with this knowledge might not know is the following - over the past year, I have begun to backslide slowly into caffeine. Right now, it's limited to the occasional ice coffee or cola for nostalgia's or awakeness' sake, and I honestly do not forsee it going much further than that point because of how my body now reacts to caffeine.

My current reaction to caffeine roughly follows this pattern: there's that little bit of euphoria as the system remembers just how good it is have it again. Then comes the sugar-high-esque rush promptly followed by inevitable dulling of the mind. Worst of all is when the stomach then decides to start imploding on you. Now that I think about it, it's probably a lot like a gone clean junkie getting a hit after a while. This is probably all very unsurprising since caffeine is supposed to one of the most addictive substances out there.

At this point, I can imagine some of you are wondering why I decided to relate this little vignette to you now. Well...let's just say getting a CaraMocha at Border's seemed like a good idea about an hour ago. Now if you'll please excuse me, I need to grasp my stomach for a while and hunch over.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.01.31 23:19 PM
On February 2, 2004 1:14 PM, Brian said

Try a PepcidAC before your next caffeine binge and see if that helps.