Today's been a strangely domestic. I ended up cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom pretty thoroughly. This includes actually scrubbing the tub and taking out all the trash in the place. (insert *gasps* here.) After that, I made some lasgana and am currently in the process of making a pumpkin pie. The lasgana turned out very nicely - I was actually smart enough cook the component ingredients and let them cool down in order to reduce the water content. Plus the chopped artichoke hearts added a nice slightly sour accent to overall flavor. The pumpkin pie is currently cooling so I'll have to let you know about it later.
I also ended up doing more "death yoga" as I've come to know Power Yoga - Total Body Workout. This time I was able to get through the entire workout. I've gotten better at the half-moon poses and was actually able to pull off the Warrior I -> Warrior III. However, the bevy of taxing poses that followed just kicked my ass...especially the Upwards Bow. EEEEEEEVEL.
Based on today, I think I could handle this domestic lifestyle quite well.
Mmm, domestic lifestyle.