e m o t i o n ~ c o l l i s i o n
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September 21, 2002

I just discovered that you can place requests for books on-line for the St. Louis Public Library. This is way too cool...now I can reserve books in the comfort of my own home.

In a slightly related note, I realized that one of the branches I go to is a 5 minute drive away from Ted Drewes. Free books & frozen custard is a wonderful combination.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.09.21 16:30 PM
Killer Cars

While moving myself to my normal run location, I walked halfway across one of the streets bordering the park, waiting for the traffic to clear. I was going to cross the final two lanes when I noticed a car turning left from the street behind me. Since cars have considerably more mass than me, I decided to let it go.

Too bad the car decided to move into the turn lane where I was standing.

Thankfully, the car was only going 5-so miles, and the driver realized that he was pushing someone back after a while. He explained that he assumed that I was going to cross and apologized.

I was thankful that I escaped with no injuries, but definitely in a bit of shock over the whole episode. However, on the way back home from my run, I used the crosswalk; one close encounter was enough for today.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.09.21 16:12 PM
September 16, 2002
Refresh is my pellet button

After making bids for several items on FleBay, I find I can't stop hitting the refresh button on the web page listing those items: I need to know how much closer I am to victory or if someone has struck while my back was turned, and refreshing this page itches that scratch. I'll be so glad when these auctions are over, and I can stop hitting my auction pellet button.

Two more days...*refresh* *refresh* *refresh* *refresh*...

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.09.16 00:29 AM
Amore, Ai, Love in a Modern Age

This week, Salon.com is running a series of replies to a question Cary Tennis posed in his Salon.com Sex column: "What is it like to be young today?" The first batch of replies can be found here. It's always interesting to read other people of the same age's thoughts on boomer disdain/worship, lack of true love, the disposeable nature of relationships + marriage as well as other things. There's something comforting about knowing that I'm not the only one my age muddling along in life, wondering if I'm making the right choices in love and other matters. Guess I just like the company.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.09.16 00:02 AM
September 12, 2002
A small victory

Today marks the first time I actually made it the halfway through the length of the park running without stopping. Not a big achievement in the grand scheme of things, but it was satisfying to actually hit that goal after restarting running.

Of course, the big question is whether or not I'll be able to keep that distance and take it further...one can always hope, eh?

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.09.12 22:12 PM
September 09, 2002
Food Adventure Tracker

Since getting back on the new recipe kick (made sauteed chicken breasts, coq au vin and braised beef shanks recently), I'm thinking of making a culinary blog to track the new recipes I try. Asides from helping me not double back on dishes, I'd like to have a record of what went right and wrong, what deviations from the original recipe I used as well as other things.

I don't exactly have an ETA on when I'll have it ready, but I'll be sure to post the info here when it's ready. Sadly, it'll be pictureless in the immediate future since I am digital camera-less. Hopefully, that'll be remedied sooner rather than later.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.09.09 13:36 PM
September 08, 2002
Such heavenly dairy

On the way to the reception last Sunday, I noticed an Oberweis billboard. According to one of my co-workers that lives out that way, there is indeed an Oberweis parlor down that road. Evidently, it's a relatively new - opened up a few months ago. The even better news is that there's going to be one opening closer to where I live. Regardless of the distance, I think a field trip is in order...Oberweis is JUST THAT GOOD.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.09.08 02:57 AM
September 03, 2002
Coupling Officially

After going to J.'s wedding on Sunday, I have to admit that I'm struck by how unique each of the weddings I've attended is. Each one incorporated elements that really expressed the personalities of the people who were tying the knot. For example, J. & his wife dressed up in traditional Vietnamese wedding garb after the ceremony and had a PowerPoint presentation of how they met. On the other hand, musical performances formed a core part of Brian & Karen's more traditional Catholic ceremony.

All of this makes me slightly curious what sort of wedding I might have if I have one. Even though I doubt it'll ever happen (being single sorta gets in the way of things like that =), anyone have any humorous speculation to share or commentary on your ideal wedding?

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.09.03 21:56 PM