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Coupling Officially

After going to J.'s wedding on Sunday, I have to admit that I'm struck by how unique each of the weddings I've attended is. Each one incorporated elements that really expressed the personalities of the people who were tying the knot. For example, J. & his wife dressed up in traditional Vietnamese wedding garb after the ceremony and had a PowerPoint presentation of how they met. On the other hand, musical performances formed a core part of Brian & Karen's more traditional Catholic ceremony.

All of this makes me slightly curious what sort of wedding I might have if I have one. Even though I doubt it'll ever happen (being single sorta gets in the way of things like that =), anyone have any humorous speculation to share or commentary on your ideal wedding?

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.09.03 21:56 PM
On September 3, 2002 10:18 PM, vince said


With Elvis presiding...

On September 4, 2002 12:16 AM, [no author] said

after having been in 7 weddings (1/year for the past 7) I'd say the best type of wedding is anything unique

personally, I think Chinese weddings are pretty cool

On September 4, 2002 2:05 PM, freesia said

Dude, I don't know. A year ago I knew pretty much completely what I'd want mine to be like. Now, I can't find it in me to care.