I'm at sock camp! Which means I don't have very much time to post because internet access is a rare commodity around these parts. So here's what I got so far:
Look at all these socks. Stephanie has been compulsively rearranging these to be in the PERFECT order. If you should dare rearrange it, you better be prepared to get jumped by a 5'1" Canadian. They're for a sock color wheel for a class that Tina is teaching.
Nathania and I taught a class that involves 4 people knitting simultaneously on the same project. That's right, simultaneous knitting. It's pretty damn cool and I love it when people "get it". Just look at these hands! There's nothing to bring knitters closer together than knitting on the same small piece of knitting and being forced to "kiss knees".
In the square are Vicky and Sharon from Texas. These girls are wonderful. Vicky is knitting Titania's Revenge.
For homework before camp, we were all supposed to knit chickens. I was amazed at how different all the chickens were. Despite being molested at the airport, Chappy's is still an amazing work of art.
Stephanie and Cat's had a cloaca. The best part was the nest with the egg with the chickens inside the egg. It's possibly even more awesome than sheep within sheep. My chicken was lame. Literally. I figured that since I have The Leg with one sock, why not do the same with a chicken? I present to you my one legged chicken with three-toed sock.
Yesterday, we went on a cruise searching for whales. We saw just about every animal except whale, including bald eagles and african deer on some safari island. I think that's what Cat is looking at here:
There was some amazing sweater sighting:
And the highlight of the day? UNDERWATER KNITTING COMPETITION. That's right, knitting underwater. Unfortunately I have no pictures from this event (a camera ban was in place to attract more participants). I forgot my bathing suit and cheered Nathania as her "ground assistant." The techniques varied. Some used goggles and knit completely submerged underwater. Others knit with heads above wather only. And others (ahem, the coordinator, ahem, Cat) were disqualified for not keeping their hands underwater. We laughed. We cried. We definitely scared the muggles.
Who won? The hottest chick at camp, Nathania! Go Bay Area represent!
Second place was so quick, she came out blurry on film. And in third we had Canada.
Your chicken may have been lame in the literal sense, but we saw photos on Tapmouse's site, and your chicken rocks. Great styling, and a great sock.
Posted by: Tan at April 13, 2007 1:02 PMi admired your chicken when i saw it on the yarn harlot's blog post, but now that i know it is one legged i adore it!
Posted by: fbz at April 13, 2007 1:20 PMJealousy, thy name is Ava. I was really bummed out about missing the camp, but the twins turn 16 this weekend. Some how, their mother missing their sweet sixteen to knit socks would be taken as some kind of personal afront. Love the chicken!
Posted by: Ava at April 13, 2007 1:21 PMwith every post that's popping up across blogworld, i'm more and more jealous of you lovely ladies. how did i NOT know about this camp beforehand? i so would've been there. le sigh. thanks for sharing :)
Posted by: alice at April 13, 2007 1:33 PMThe 5'1" Canadian probably plays dirty too. Do not mess with short women with curly hair. (Speaking as one of course.)
I would love to see photos of the underwater knitting. But I think that it should have been completely underwater.
I like the sweater sightings btw.
Posted by: Mia at April 13, 2007 1:34 PMI think your chicken is fantastic! The leg with one sock is how we got to know you. It was even better when we learned you'd only knit one of the socks!
That chicken is perfect. I love it.
Posted by: ErickaJo at April 13, 2007 1:46 PMI thought that chick looked familiar. Simultanious knitting? Interesting, sounds kinda like a quilting bee for knitters. I wish I could have seen the underwater knitting footage.
Posted by: Angelika at April 13, 2007 1:55 PMLooks like fun! I'm sorry you didn't see any of those infamous orcas. That segment that I told you about on the news showed pods and pods of whales... the luck of the draw and the magic of editing, huh? Have a wonderful time (how could you not?) and have a safe drive home!
Posted by: Janice at April 13, 2007 1:58 PMThose chickens are so freakin' hilarious AND cool. Your chickadee is not lame. I love its 3 toed sock. Maybe you just needed to turn it upside down so the 1 leg is pointing up? Looks like it was a ton of fun and I'm envious. Thanks for posting the great pics.
Posted by: mary at April 13, 2007 2:08 PMOne legged chicken with a three toe sock. That so totally rocks!
Posted by: freecia at April 13, 2007 2:10 PMKnitting underwater is possibly the coolest thing I have ever heard! I'll definitely be giving it a try this summer :)
Posted by: Adriana at April 13, 2007 2:12 PMI like your one-legged chicken!
Underwater knitting... now that must have been a sight! :)
Posted by: Abigail at April 13, 2007 2:19 PMCookie, your chicken is awesome! Some of the others I saw on the Harlot's blog were pretty nifty too. Say "hi" to Nathania for me. :)
Posted by: CJ at April 13, 2007 2:47 PMOh my god, I am so insanely jealous of sock camp (wondering if I can get on the list for next year...)
I loved your peg leg chicken, btw. It looks delicious.
Also? Since I am 5'5" (on a good no slouchy day) AND I have stood between you and the Canadian Harlot I am pretty freakin sure I am more than 4" taller than the 5'1" she claims to be... Perhaps when they converted to metric someone told her she was a few centimeters taller to make her feel better.
Posted by: wen at April 13, 2007 3:29 PMI love your chicken- especially because it has the coolest socks. :)
Love these pics- makes the jealousy subside a tad. just a tad though.
Posted by: frecklegirl jess at April 13, 2007 4:23 PMOooh, underwater knitting! Was it done in that cool indoor pool at Rosario? I love that place :) I am green with envy, and now am determined to get to camp next year! :D
(To assuage my jealousy I did get two more skeins of STR, came in the mail today!)
Posted by: Michele at April 13, 2007 4:31 PMWow! Looks like you are having a fantastic time! Have a great weekend!
Posted by: Jen at April 13, 2007 5:29 PMI LOVED your chicked with socks!-- thematic and adorable.
Posted by: sarah at April 13, 2007 5:41 PMHee, I saw your chicken on Stephanie's blog and thought it was so you.
And I like seeing a different angle of the square knitting than the one Leslie (tapmouse) posted on her blog.
And congrats to Nathania! Underwater knitting must've been a sight to behold since it freaked the resort muggles out.
Posted by: C. at April 13, 2007 6:13 PMSounds (and looks) like you all are having way too much fun out there! What a plethora of famous knitters you are rubbing elbows with (not that you are not one of them cause you totally are!).
I think I am gonna have to arrange something out here in Beautiful Colorado so I can get all of you to come and join me out here! What do you think?
Love your one legged chicken and his sock.
Can you tell me who's pattern is the fair isle sweater in the pictures? It's gorgeous!
Dude I love the one legged chicken. I was cracking up at the pic on the Harlot's blog because it was like the half crazy face. (You so missed Boba, Kristi and Hannah were making crazy faces at the people staring in the window) I am sure Nathania won due to your superb cheering efforts (way to represent Nathania!).
Your pics are awesome though. I love getting to see another shot of Steph's bohus and the other knitter's sweater is freaking amazing. Thanks for sharing them. Have a great rest of your trip. :)
Posted by: Teenuh at April 14, 2007 2:57 AMthe chickens are such cuties but the sweaters. oh man are they gorgeous! especially that fair isle number. i wonder if the fair isle sweater is her own pattern? if it is, it's pretty incredible.
Posted by: chris at April 14, 2007 8:14 AMI love the one-legged chicken. I'm so envious of the sock camp. I miss out on all the cool sock activities. Keep updating whenever you can so that we can enjoy vicariously. :) And have a great time.
Posted by: Tara at April 14, 2007 8:15 AMthe chickens are absolute cuties but the sweaters - oh man, are they ever gorgeous! especially that fair isle number. i wonder if the fair isle sweater is the knitter's own pattern? if it is, it's pretty incredible.
Posted by: chris at April 14, 2007 8:15 AMLove your chicken, Cookie! Especially her tail!
Posted by: Kristen from MA at April 15, 2007 9:01 PMaugh, so jealous here...
and i love all the chickens. especially those with socks on their feet!
and camp looked like a blast!
let us know if you ever raid Daiso/Ichiban Kan again--i'll make sure not to go back until a month later when they've had a chance to recover! :o)heehee!
Hey there, Cookie! Camp Cockamamie was so much fun and you were a joy, wearing your German Socks whilst you lolled on the floor! Charming, easy on the eye, and so clever. Just wanted to thank you for being there. You made it even more fun!
Loved your Lone Sock Chicken.
Posted by: Angeluna at April 17, 2007 2:35 AMHey there, Cookie! Camp Cockamamie was so much fun and you were a joy, wearing your German Socks whilst you lolled on the floor! Charming, easy on the eye, and so clever. Just wanted to thank you for being there. You made it even more fun!
Loved your Lone Sock Chicken.
Posted by: Angeluna at April 17, 2007 2:35 AMHey there, Cookie! Camp Cockamamie was so much fun and you were a joy, wearing your German Socks whilst you lolled on the floor! Charming, easy on the eye, and so clever. Just wanted to thank you for being there. You made it even more fun!
Loved your Lone Sock Chicken.
Posted by: Angeluna at April 17, 2007 2:36 AMHow embarrassing. Please delete this and two of the above comments. First it wouldn't accept comments, then it multiplied them. Sorry about that.
Posted by: Angeluna at April 17, 2007 2:39 AMThe socks! The chickens! The underwater knitting! That just all looks and sounds like so much fun...maybe I will have to go to sock camp next year, hehehe...
Posted by: sarah at April 17, 2007 10:06 AMI just love the 1 legged chick! I've seen it around the blogs and something kept nagging at me about it, besides it's own sock. Duh! Now I know! ;) Thanks for letting us all have a piece of how camp was! :)
Posted by: Zonda at April 17, 2007 10:24 AMtell us more about four people knitting the same item-sounds like something we should try Ellie
Posted by: Ellie at April 18, 2007 3:12 PMOMG. I am so jealous. And the "amazing sweater sightings" are killing me.
Posted by: Jo at April 22, 2007 10:38 PM