April 5, 2007

Why am I allowed to go out in public?

I watched the Knitty Gritty episode yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that instead of wanting to smack myself or go crawl in a corner and hide, I laughed. A lot.

For starters, I made the crazy face on television, people. The CRAZY FACE.

crazy face

Other things that made me laugh included:

- Realizing that everybody is right that I talk really fast. I tried to slow it down for the show, but how else could I get all the info in six little minutes?!

- "Yep. And then you have a pair of useless socks"

- Knitster Linda asked a question about right leaning decreases vs left leaning decreases, and my answer made no sense whatsoever. Something about them not being the same, but actually being the same, and everything coming out in the wash. Did anybody else notice that made no sense?

Speaking of Linda, here is a shot of Vickie, me, and Knitsters Rainy, Kristen, and Linda. They were awesome knitters. In the background, you can also see Monkey, Rhiannon, Baudelaire, Pomatomus, a German Stocking, Hedera, and Red Herring.

Vickie, me, and the knitsters

And look what Linda emailed me - a picture of her finished socks from the show! They look awesome! (Someday, we will convert her to blogging. Someday.)

Twinkle Toes

A couple notes - The Twinkle Toe socks are basically a modified version of Baudelaire but with thicker yarn and without the cables. (I may have mentioned a few times that it was great that the yarn was so thick - so fast!)

They mentioned that I have book "Traveling Stitches" in 2007. Um.... I thought the show would air much much later this year and that it would be almost ready. But it's not. And the title will be different. Expect one in 2008. Sorry, folks!

The short row heel part went really quickly. I'm going to try to make a tutorial, so people can reference it. I'm not sure if my turn and yarnover technique is the same as others' yarnover wrap techniques, but it probably is.

In sad news, I heard from Janel that she is nearing the deadline for the Spindlicity cruise to Alaska and is just short by a dozen or so people. If we don't get enough people to book, the cruise will be cancelled. So I'm trying to rally some enthusiastic knitters who want to go to Alaska. You know you want to. It's Alaska! Hurry up, the deadline is in a couple weeks!

Cruise to Alaska


ACK! I'm so sorry I missed it! I'm going to have to try TIVO to track it down. I'm sure you were FANTASTIC!

Posted by: Cara at April 5, 2007 1:35 PM

It was fun to watch, but yes, a lot of the demo stuff in the new format for the show seems to go by really fast. You did great, can't wait for the book whenever it shows up :)

Posted by: Beth at April 5, 2007 1:43 PM

Oh stop! I thought you were great!! It is good that you talk fast since the show is so damn short.

I think your decrease response made sense- stop being so anal, basically. but nicer. :)

I wrote up a little post about KG yesterday with a couple pics. I think you looked cute- love the green hair highlights.

Posted by: frecklegirl jess at April 5, 2007 1:49 PM

The prospect of watching you made me figure out how to get DIY on our new cable set up. It was worth it! I loved seeing you "in person". Since the pattern is posted, going too fast wasn't a problem at all.

Posted by: Merna at April 5, 2007 1:50 PM

I was looking for your show yesterday! But I only have HGTV (not DIY) and I guess it doesn't air the new shows right away. I'm glad you enjoyed the episode, and I cant wait to see it :)

Posted by: Kristy at April 5, 2007 1:51 PM

I thought you were great. The only thing that bothered me was that she didn't show you actually doing the sewn bind off. I assume you're doing something like a backstitch, but all that survived the editing was the tapestry needle being stuck through two stitches. I do the PG-R one which is a lot more complicated, so I wanted to try yours but . . .

Posted by: Tan at April 5, 2007 1:52 PM

it was good! I enjoyed it, really! :)

plus I was happy to see my short row method! I think you work yours slightly different than my backwards yarnover method -- but it's hard to tell, so I'll take a look whenever you post your tutorial.

And I had the same question about the bind off that Tan does, but I haven't checked DIY's site to see if they describe it any better there. :) Congrats no matter what!

Posted by: jess at April 5, 2007 2:13 PM

I finally caved and bought 2 of your patterns today. I tried to wait for the yarn to come first, but I failed. They're beautiful! The cruise to Alaska tempts me, but I grew up there! On the plus side, if it works out I can recommend some awesome places to hit up if you make it off the boat. ::smile::

Posted by: Tikabelle at April 5, 2007 2:19 PM

We probably both shouldn't be let out in public. It might be the Thai in us but I talk SUPER fast (especially when I'm nervous) and make crazy faces all the time. Sorry to say that I didn't catch the episode, only basic cable in this house. But I'm sure you did fine!

Posted by: yaiAnn at April 5, 2007 2:23 PM

I was so glad to see you on the show. Seeing a highly skilled knitter is delightful BUT the show didn't keep up with you. They didn't do well filming the bind off (sewn) and the short row demo was, well, short. I listened to your answer before having it come out in the wash and felt like I knew what you were talking about. So, to sum up, loved the show but there is no way to describe sock knitting in that short a time. When I teach, my classes are 3 2 hour sessions and ofter that isn't enough.
Question, when you do the crazy 8 cast on, do you always have to go back and clean up. I do the short row toe and would like to try your method, too.

Posted by: Marianne at April 5, 2007 2:23 PM

I thought the show turned out great - actually it was one of the best KG episodes I've seen in a while! Inspiring enough that I immediately cast on for the twinkle toes socks afterwards. Toe up socks in heavier yarn are quite addictive, I'm noticing!

Posted by: Becki at April 5, 2007 2:26 PM

You look so cute! With everyone talking about their shows, I sure wish I had DIY!

Posted by: carole at April 5, 2007 2:38 PM

I thought you were great on Knitty Gritty. So, great, I saved it on my Tivo that when I soon make my second attempt to try to knit a toe-up sock, I will have it as a reference. That pattern is so nice. I am quite excited that I am making a trip out to The Fold in Marengo, Illinois tomorrow for some sock yarn! :)

Posted by: Jen at April 5, 2007 2:47 PM

Cookie, you were entirely adorable as usual! I can't wait until the book comes out! =)

Posted by: CJ at April 5, 2007 3:22 PM

I was so glad that my cable and internet broke AFTER the TiVo recorded this episode -- I would have been so bummed if I'd missed it! You were great! Best. Episode. Ever.

Posted by: Sarah at April 5, 2007 4:02 PM

I missed your Crazy Face! I have to go punish--I mean program my Tivo now.

Posted by: monica at April 5, 2007 5:05 PM

You were great! We just finished watching it (dvr'd it) and it was so much fun to see you "live." Your crazy face didn't look crazy to us.

Congratulations and good job!

Posted by: Devorah at April 5, 2007 5:20 PM

I wish I had programmed my tivo to record it but I forgot. So my attempt to make this up is to record the next 15 episodes of knitty gritty on air via DIY/HGTG. Yo. Lo Siento.

Posted by: freecia at April 5, 2007 5:37 PM

BTW, I love how the second photo shows you and Vicki in the lady-like sitting pose.

Posted by: freecia at April 5, 2007 5:38 PM

*sigh* My TV hates me and no longer gets DIY, just HGTV. And their Knitty Gritty episodes are SOOO far behind.

Posted by: shadkitty at April 5, 2007 7:11 PM

I only briefly saw the beginning on HGTV and immediately set the DVR to manual erase so the kids cannot touch it until I watch it several time. I loved the pattern, from what I saw of it, and I can't wait to tackle the Millicent socks (next on the rotation).

Posted by: Ava at April 5, 2007 7:33 PM

Cookie, I thought that the show came out GREAT! I was really happy with the information you gave and definitely am going to try your turn and wrap techniques. Can't wait for your book to come out!

Posted by: AJ at April 5, 2007 7:33 PM

Well, I told you already and I'll tell you again - YOU ROCKED!

I'm still laughing about the book.

Posted by: scout at April 5, 2007 9:22 PM

Cookie, you were awesome!

Posted by: linda at April 5, 2007 10:22 PM

Yesterday morning I sat down with my partially knitted Baudelaire, turned on the TIVO to find the recorded Knitty Gritty episodes, and there you were explaining the sock. It was weird to see you explaining the very sock I was knitting. I thought you were GREAT and I can't wait to try your heel technique.

Posted by: ~Kristie at April 5, 2007 10:36 PM

I want to see that episode! The screen shots you captured are wonderful! I'm sure these are memories that will be cherished forever. I'll be recording all the HGTV episodes like mad for a while too.

Posted by: Pauline at April 5, 2007 11:24 PM

Cookie, I thought you were fantastic. I printed out the pattern and I plan to start the socks as soon as the girls walk out the door to school! I've watched the episode a few times so that I can get a good handle on things, but I agree with the sewn bind off. Wish they would have let you explain better :) Can't wait to start one of your socks!! Your patterns are masterpieces!

Posted by: Kellie at April 6, 2007 4:13 AM

We don't get DIY, but now I'm wishing that we did because your guest spot sounds quite entertaining. I am so excited that you've got a book in the works because it's been making me crazy thinking that you don't have a book deal -- I have actually been ranting and raving about that to anyone who will listen. Now I can just shut up and get ready for something that I'll be anticipating more eagerly than the next Harry Potter book (and that's saying something!).

Posted by: Susan at April 6, 2007 5:04 AM

I DVR KG, so I watched your show last night, and I thought it was wonderful. I'm in mid-sock right now, but I have a thicker sock yarn and I'm thinking I need to cast on for some Twinkle Toes.

They did a terrible job with the sewn cast-off. It was the worst part of the show, _and_ there is no information in the information that's on the DIY network either. The instructions consist of "BO using sewn bind-off and weave in ends using tapestry needle." Which would be wonderful, if they had shown you doing it.

I'm going to assume that the sewn bind-off is 2 sts Kwise and then 2 sts Pwise around the ribbing? The way it looked on the episode was just every stitch kwise, but that doesn't seem right at all.

Anyway, thanks for sharing one of your beautiful patterns as well as some new techniques! Hooray for not trying to bind of with a needle that's 3 sizes bigger!!!

Posted by: Tara at April 6, 2007 5:39 AM

I really enjoyed the show and thought you did an awesome job! I wish I could go on the cruise but with 3 young children it's impossible. Hope your they're able to get enough, it sounds like it will be a lot of fun!

Posted by: Kelly at April 6, 2007 6:12 AM

I liked your show! I've made several pairs of socks from the top down, and have tried toe up with no success. Your demonstration took the mystery out of it. Thanks!
Please, please do a tutorial on the short row heel. Whenever I do short rows I get holes. That was the only part of the show that I need to review over and over.
Thanks for sharing your talent!

Posted by: Susan at April 6, 2007 6:12 AM

I haven't seen the show yet, but I'm sure my TIVO will tape it eventually. I'm sure you were just fine. I can't wait to see it!

Posted by: Karen at April 6, 2007 6:33 AM

I "worked from home" on Wednesday just to watch you! I'm glad you're doing a tutorial, because I totally missed your short row heel...I was paying attention, but man! it was fast.

I thought you did great and Vicki Howell looked bewildered.

Posted by: Maribel at April 6, 2007 8:32 AM

You did a great job! I really enjoyed the show!

Posted by: mel at April 6, 2007 9:09 AM

I was telling Scout yesterday that I have always been so confused about the whole short row heel thing. Watching you do it on Knitty Gritty, it finally started to make sense. So thanks, and I will be waiting for your tutorial!

Posted by: Ramona at April 6, 2007 9:25 AM

I'm glad I got to see you. You did great, and I feel more better about toe up socks.

Posted by: Vera at April 6, 2007 9:29 AM

Husband found out that new-to-me KG episodes were airing, and imagine my delight when the first one I tuned to was "Cookie A."! Wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Posted by: Lynne E. at April 6, 2007 9:33 AM

Damn my lack of cable! I expect this on youtube poste-haste. ;)

As for Spindlicity, honestly I would love nothing more than to take a vacation with spinners and see the Glorious North, but, um, $1200? As far as I know no one has yet mastered the straw-to-gold technique... :( I hope more people sign up, though!

Posted by: Kathy at April 6, 2007 9:46 AM

I think you did a great job. I now understand how to do the toe-up socks. I had tried to do it before - and just didn't 'get it'.

Posted by: Robin at April 6, 2007 12:28 PM

LOVE the crazy face. Too funny!!!!

Posted by: Cindy at April 6, 2007 3:20 PM

I'm sure you were fantastic! Unfortunately I probably won't see the episode for *a year* because we don't get DIY and HGTV only shows old episodes. Grrr. Congratulations on breaking the news about your book! Excellente

Posted by: Janice at April 6, 2007 3:24 PM

Cookie, yes I am one of the Knitsters on Scout's taping. Our show was the last to be taped and at the time I was 8 months pregnant! It was a great experience! I am loving all the new episodes and am really happy to see that they pushed these episodes early. I have your show on my DVR and that's where it will stay. I can't wait to try some of the techniques you had on your show. And, btw, I feel uber cool that you commented on my blog! LOL. YOU ROCK!!!

Posted by: AJ at April 6, 2007 3:51 PM

You were fantastic. Vickie said "author of Traveling Stitches" and I said "What!?!" I'm so relieved to know there's a reason why I couldn't find it anywhere online last night. You cleared up most of my questions on short-rows--I just wish the show were longer. I'll be happy to see that promised tutorial. :)

Posted by: Valerie at April 6, 2007 4:05 PM

Definately TIVO worthy! You were terrific to watch. I loved the story about your knitting relative who needed patterns translated. I picture you as a small child saying, "But I don't want to knit!" Seriously, I plan on rewinding/playing/rewinding that entire episode often.

Posted by: DonnaC at April 6, 2007 6:27 PM

cookie - you are so famous. i LOVE it. :) remember to autograph above my nipple ok? this way only dan will see it.
your crazy face = fucking CLASSIC

Posted by: hannah at April 6, 2007 11:47 PM

cookie - you are so famous. i LOVE it. :) remember to autograph above my nipple ok? this way only dan will see it.
your crazy face = fucking CLASSIC

Posted by: hannah at April 6, 2007 11:47 PM

That face is nothing. The first and only time I was on TV (the news) i had something in my teeth, MY TEETH!

Posted by: sabrina at April 7, 2007 2:32 PM

Oh damn, my DVR didn't catch this episode. >:( The one in my bedroom is where I record Knitty Gritty and it decided to lose my Knitty Gritty scheduler. Bah.I so love the crazy face!

It was nice to see you at Boba, I had a great laugh. :)

Posted by: Teenuh at April 7, 2007 10:43 PM

I was so happy to catch your episode, I've been wanting to try a toe-up sock and just wanted to see that cast-on done 'live'. Can't wait to try it. Are all the sock patterns you sell toe-up socks? I've been considering buying a few of the newest patterns, and was curious.
I agree with some of the previous posters - the 'how-to' was a little too fast. They didn't focus on the knitting itself enough, they kept the camera on your face as you spoke instead of your KNITTING. Where was the concern for showing everything clearly - where was the "let's show that on the knittycam"?
But that wasn't your fault! You were good - fun and lively! Honestly, I was a little confused by your answer about the decreases but I figured it was because I didn't have the knitting in front of me. Once I see it for myself I assume I'll understand.

Posted by: Carol at April 8, 2007 4:14 PM

Three cheers for Cookie! You were great and I enjoyed seeing the figure 8 cast-on in action. I'm going to the DIY/Knitty website and download the directions for the toe and heel. Honestly, I was sooooo sick of Barry Klein in re-runs.

Posted by: Mary, Mary at April 8, 2007 5:29 PM

The crazy face is hilarious in the still, but I didn't notice it in the playback. All of your show made perfect sense to me. It was one of the top five Knitty Gritty shows of all time, so be proud crazy faced fast talking sock fiend! Looking forward to seeing your book.

Posted by: Magatha at April 9, 2007 4:43 PM

one of the ladies was asking about the tiny sock blocker with the knitting gauge is it on it. she would like to know if there is a web page for blue willow enterprises as three of us have looked and none of us can locate it. she is very interested in obtaining one of the tiny sock blockers
thanks from crissy in alaska

Posted by: crissy at April 9, 2007 4:58 PM

Dude, you so TOTALLY rocked Knitty Gritty! I DVR it and usually fast forward through most of it (Sorry Vicki) but I watched each second of your episode. Very cool and I can now FINALLY do the figure eight cast-on. Woo hoo. I've read every tutorial on it and only when you did and explained it did it click. Thanks!

Stop being so hard on yourself. WE loved it!

Posted by: knittingnurse at April 10, 2007 2:46 PM

This is the first time I've ever been sorry that I live so far out in the boonies that I don't have television access. Someone taped Knitty Gritty for me once and I was so shocked by the commercials (really, it's been years since I've seen any) that I struggled to watch it. But I would gladly have suffered to see your episode! Damn. How much bribery sock yarn do you need to send me a copy??

Posted by: Gryphon at April 10, 2007 4:28 PM

Hi Cookie

I truly enjoyed the knitty gritty show where you made your twinkle toe up sock. I just wanted to say thank you because I have been waiting for a very long time to see someone make that sock. But I have just one question to say you. I'm somewhat confused about the beginning where you said on Row 1; to knit 8, Purl 2, Knit 8, P2, with ending of Knit 4. That would mean that I would only have 20 stitches instead of 24 stitches. If its not a bother please explain.



Posted by: Debra at April 11, 2007 7:06 PM

Hi Cookie

I truly enjoyed the knitty gritty show where you made your twinkle toe up sock. I just wanted to say thank you because I have been waiting for a very long time to see someone make that sock. But I have just one question to say you. I'm somewhat confused about the beginning where you said on Row 1; to knit 8, Purl 2, Knit 8, P2, with ending of Knit 4. That would mean that I would only have 20 stitches instead of 24 stitches. If its not a bother please explain.



Posted by: Debra at April 11, 2007 7:06 PM

Hi Cookie

I truly enjoyed the knitty gritty show where you made your twinkle toe up sock. I just wanted to say thank you because I have been waiting for a very long time to see someone make that sock. But I have just one question to say you. I'm somewhat confused about the beginning where you said on Row 1; to knit 8, Purl 2, Knit 8, P2, with ending of Knit 4. That would mean that I would only have 20 stitches instead of 24 stitches. If its not a bother please explain.



Posted by: Debra at April 11, 2007 7:06 PM

I really enjoyed seeing you on Knitty Gritty. I remember seeing you on Knitty.com and loved your sock pattern.
You did better than I would have on the show!!!
I would have acted like Don Knots!

Posted by: NancyMaria at April 15, 2007 11:58 AM

My LYS owner (Linda) at Yarnzilla (www.yarnzilla.com) had mentioned the week before the show aired on Knitty Gritty that she had gotten in your sock patterns, which I was able to admire. She also mentioned talking to you about whether the socks would fit her "fat calves" (note: I don't think her calves are fat). Given that I was still working on the first pair of socks I ever knit and started knitting only in October, I'm not the most "in the know" person ever.

After watching the Knitty Gritty episode, I bought the pattern for the Thelonious sock and Rhiannon - so you must not have been too crazy or nonsensical. I'm about 3" into the Thelonious sock now and will be taking Rhiannon (along with an entire bag of Rowan Cashsoft 4-ply, hello $90 socks - though I'm sure to have leftovers) to Myrtle Beach to knit them in July. I love a good, complicated pattern. Usually, I make all kinds of changes to patterns and I haven't felt the need to do that with Thelonious at all.


Posted by: Jennifer at April 16, 2007 11:09 AM

Loved seeing you in "person" and how much your personality shines through your patterns! I am attempting Twinkle Toes right now, but am having trouble with the gusset and heel and the show went too fast and left out a few steps. Can't wait for the tutorial!!

Posted by: Angele at April 16, 2007 2:20 PM