January 31, 2004

My first sweater

Okay, so it's full of mistakes, and my roomie says it's too big for me, but details schmetails. I finally finished my first sweater! Can't take a very good picture of it with the Treo... Maybe I'll eventually bust out the real digicam.

The yarn is an boucle yarn by Ironstone Yarns called "Rustic Tweed" that I was intending to use for a hat until I decided I wanted to branch out into something more difficult. It's from the massive stash I got at the yarn store that had everything 50% off. In fact, I think I picked it up from the $2 table, so this sweater cost me about $5 in yarn. I know there are a lot of things I could have done better, but oh well. I'll wear it anyway.

Oh, and if you look to the right in the picture, that's my shrine to schmoopie.


Your image URLs are dead... and I'm really curious to see the sweater now. ;)

Posted by: blahedo at February 22, 2004 4:19 PM

i just finished my first knit sweater. i made it for a 3 year old. like yours, it is also without sleeves. so it's easy to accomplish and learn with as it's size makes it a project that can be finished! sleeves will come with my next attempt .. i was thinking "why pressure myself" and was anxious to have a complete project which did feel wonderful! nice job on yours! :-)

Posted by: di at August 15, 2005 2:21 PM