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February 25, 2003
Every Second Counts

Recently, 24 has become a habit bordering on ritual. After slamming through the first season in less than a week - the last 8 episodes in one day - I was jonesing for my next 24 hit. Thankfully, Tuesday brings another episode that will tide me over...until next week.

Although this season has been highly enjoyable and has some excellent moments ("This isn't over.") so far, it just doesn't seem to match the intensity that Season 1 had. Yes, the creators did up the stakes by throwing a nuclear threat and a conspiracy within Palmer's presidency. However, it just seems to be missing the spark the made the first season so special.

I think the main reason why I feel that Season 1 is superior is the relative straight forward nature of this season vs. last season's plot in regards to Jack: he isn't being manipulated, and it's relatively obvious who's "good" and who's "bad" (knock on wood). So far, the Palmer conspiracy thread just isn't as compelling as wondering who within CTU was a traitor.

Another reason is for S1's superiority vs. S2 is that things just aren't as personal this season. Last season, both Jack and Palmer had to juggle duty with safeguarding their families. There just isn't that dimension this season, and I really miss it.

The bonus icing reason on why I haven't been as satisfied with this season is the wait between episodes. Having to stew for at least a week between episodes doesn't have the same potential for climactic building as plowing through episode after episode on DVD does.

Plus I swear they made Kim *even more stupid* than she was in Season 1...how is that possible? GAH.

These are just my preliminary thoughts now that we've made it past the halfway mark of Season 2...don't take them as final judgement. They're always subject to revision as the season goes on. In any case, I'm looking forward to when the current season comes out on DVD so I can compare and contrast better.

What about you, loyal blog reader? What sayeth thou about this season of 24?

Your Insatiable One ~ 2003.02.25 23:07 PM
February 24, 2003
Day 2

Now that I've done my brand spanking new workout program again, I'm starting to feel that I'm getting a grasp on what weights are appropriate for each machine. I'm definitely off my all time highs when I was working with a trainer, but I haven't atrophied too badly. Still, running that mile after doing strength training is still the bitch...I've got to work on being able to run more in a single stretch so I'm ready for when the weather improves.

Also, I've started to work in some of the stretches/exercises I used to do in tae kwon do. After doing straight leg raises + rotations as well as straight kicks, I have the sneaking suspicion that tomorrow is really going to hurt.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2003.02.24 20:46 PM
February 23, 2003
Firm, Silken, Simple

Occasionally, I get the itch to stretch my culinary skills. When I do get that I urge, I generally go sans recipe and try to come up with something decent tasting. Although I do get the rare victory that I find acceptable, most of the time I end up with something that's one meal tolerable or worse.

Over the past few months, I've tried to come up with a somewhat unique tofu-based vegetarian dish that I'd enjoy. Sadly, most of my attempts have been the cooking equivalent of tofu genocide...the end results have gone directly to the garbage can for summary execution. My pine-nut/shallot/rice-vinegar tofu creation was not edible, and my vegetable/tofu/cheese mandu were not anywhere close to the enjoyment level.

Perhaps it's my lack of understanding of basic elemental properties of tofu, but I find that when it's used in a more traditional context, it just tastes that much better. Mapo tofu, stir-fry, pad thai, even plain slices with a spicy soy-based sauce...tofu works in those instances. I feel like I'm missing the spirit of food captured in those dishes that makes tofu a delight, and that's why I'm making all the wrong choices when experimenting.

In any case, more study and experimentation will be necessary before I reach any level of comfort when working with tofu. I'm sorry, but those of you looking for interesting tofu based recipes will just have to seek a more knowledgeable individual or text for now.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2003.02.23 22:51 PM
Treadmill Monkey

Probably the worse part of deadlines is how everything else goes on hold. All those good intentions, resolutions + regular habits just get thrown out as being not worth the effort. When you work more than the "standard" 8 hours/day, even extra-curricular activities start to look like an extension of your job.

For me, working out was one such item that fell to the side while fighting the evil work-week. Although I had fallen off the fitness wagon pretty badly last December, I had high hopes for starting up again in earnest during the New Year. Sadly, it took until this week to actually do something about it.

Earlier this week, I started on a 12 week program at the gym I go to. A fitness type person did a lifestyle evaluation, a basic body fat % check + helped me plan according to my goals. Thankfully, my body fat % was quite decent, and according to the person I talked to, my weight was just about spot on for my height as well. Now all I need to do is make it into the gym three times a week...hopefully I'll be able to build up my aerobic & muscle stamina to an acceptable level.

Wish me luck everybody.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2003.02.23 22:19 PM
February 16, 2003
Living again

I'm more than happy to announce that I'm finally back on a "normal" 5 days/40 hours a week schedule. I must admit I missed my free time, precious free time...I'm glad I actually have the weekends to relax once more.

So...what have I been up to in the past weeks?

Ahhh...it feels so good to be caught up.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2003.02.16 18:56 PM