I'm more than happy to announce that I'm finally back on a "normal" 5 days/40 hours a week schedule. I must admit I missed my free time, precious free time...I'm glad I actually have the weekends to relax once more.
So...what have I been up to in the past weeks?
- I've been working like a madman, trying to meet deadlines.
- Got sick with the office virus
- Joined P. Bobo and Yukinon as a member of the crock pot owning, slow cooking loving member of society
- Reinflated a tire 2 times before making the realization that it's losing air a little too quickly for a slow leak
- Watched a friend in her first figure skating competition (she won 2 golds, maybe more...w00!)
- Had a surprisingly non-bitter, enjoyable Valentine's Day for once
- Picked up the new Massive Attack album, 100th Window
- Discovered a burning hate of avocado preparation while frantically making Crab, Chili and Avocado Tostaditos for a Super Bowl party
- Made dukguk - rice cake soup traditionally eaten on New Year's - for the very first time
Ahhh...it feels so good to be caught up.
Your Insatiable One ~
2003.02.16 18:56 PM
And we're happy to see you again, too.