fuzzy orange silver lining
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to formally introduce you to Bailey, the new love of my life. I went and got him on Sunday, and he has been nursing me back to health (read: kneading the living crap out of me) all week long.
I didn’t realize what a big deal this was going to be. As I was cleaning up to get ready for him to come home, I found Piper’s fur everywhere. As I was wandering PetsMart and picking out his new things, I was struck by the last time I wandered those aisles comparing pet carriers. As I was getting my hair cut earlier that afternoon, I remembered that the last time I’d gotten my hair cut I’d come home and let Piper out for the last time. Everything I did reminded me of her, and there were several times where I didn’t think I could do it. I didn’t want to bring another animal into my life if I was just going to lose it like the last one. Of course, once I got there and was handed this giant purring massage machine, I couldn’t say no. On the way out, the woman who runs this place said “You won’t have room in your bed for a boyfriend with a cat like that!” Hah. Well, thank god I’ve got my priorities straight.
In other news, I haven’t seen DJ in four weeks, and I’ve only spoken to him (non-electronically) once in that entire time. He thinks this level of communication is acceptable, and I’m finding that I do not. I’ve been asked out by another friend of a friend for this weekend, and I said yes. I don’t know what I think anymore - all I know is that boys (human boys, that is) are baffling and apparently I wasn’t meant to understand them. Is it really wrong to like having someone pay attention to you? To feel let down when they won’t make an effort? Maybe I’m just being old-fashioned … which is something I never thought I’d hear myself say. Maybe I’m not the liberated 21st Century woman I like to think I am. (Maybe I’m more human than I let on.)
1. Congratulations re: Bailey (what, no Sage?). You’ve taken the next step — in several ways by getting back on the bike as it were.
2. Boys feel exactly the same way when it comes to understanding girls/women/females in general.
3. One talk in four week is NOT “acceptible”.
4. Have fun on your date!
An old fashioned woman allows a man to ignore her.
A liberated woman demands what she wants.
Plus: Whatever to that dude. Fuck those fucking fuckers.
Yay cats! Fuck men! Where’s Corey’s contact info, you never emailed me!
*hit and run posting*
also I’m gonna need your phone# b/c I lost my cellphone
1) Yup, Bailey. That was the name he already had. I’m feeling very full circle about the situation, because of that whole “giving up my Bailey and then giving a home to someone else’s Bailey” thing.
2) They decided to split up Bailey and Sage, because apparently the two of them weren’t even acting like they knew each other anymore.
3) It’s not actually “ignoring” so much as “accidental neglect”, but no matter what the origin, I don’t like the result. Which is a pity, because I really liked this boy. Who knows.
Bailey. Like Irish Cream.
I had a cat once named “Barley”, that of course being one of the key ingredients in beer. Really.
Glad to see you are alive. Please as to contact me.
Oh, and: boys are stupid and never know how to act when it comes to girls. It’s a rule.
I keep telling Nena we should get a grey cat, and name it Lobo.
Congrats on Bailey, darlin’. We ALL need giant kneading machines that take up half the bed! I had to get a larger bed for me and poo, so be careful! Sometimes you get more than you bargained for with kitties.
I love sjet’s comments… thanks, I need them. =)
As far as men are concerned, my thoughts change daily, but honestly, WHy not go for the one that will find every daffodil bulb in four states and plant them in the yard of your school (among other outrageous and fabulous trials and tasks to express love that is felt)? *sigh* Be happy, dear. That’s all we can ask for.
As far as being human… come on, girl. We’re less than human, remember?
Congrats on the new furbaby! Cats are great.