8 stycznia 2004

why i got out of bed at all

Ha! Ha Freaking Ha! Someone should have told Bob about the Lose-Ten-Pounds-In-Four-Days-By-Being-Sick-Off-Your-Ass-Diet. Happy New Year, y’all.

One of my bosses called today requesting a letter from my doctor verifying that I have, in fact, been sick all week. Sigh. Later, I got a call from a coworker who said that the other boss told her I was “really, really sick”… so who knows. I’m going back to work tomorrow, whether I should be there or not, and we’ll just see what happens. Wish me luck!

I miss Pwe. With the exception of Bill, I’ve lived with her for longer than anyone else, and I got really used to having her presence in the house. I haven’t seen her since she took me to the airport on the 19th, and it just hit me today how much the place just isn’t the same without her. Kick the shit out of that lighting design, P-Dog, and come on home!

Posted by freesia at 19:51

Dear Mr. Garrison,

Please excuse me from being late. I have explosive diarrhea.

tony @ 11:39 AM | 2004/01/09

I wish I could be on that sort of diet, but I have a feeling it’s one of those cases where the “cure” is worse than the “disease”.

THE COMTE @ 04:43 PM | 2004/01/09

You could just puke on the boss. Take a can of vegetable soup for backup. Good luck!

Paul @ 05:27 PM | 2004/01/13