5 marca 2003

open my eyes to everything

I researched. I waited. I had a note on my calendar. On the day that their first album came out, I went to Der Uber-Meyer and I got the last copy. It was even on sale. And holy crap, is it great. (Check out their website.) I should actually give a shit about music more often.

Aud-ter-viewed for the SAT test prep folks last night. There are many things in life that are more fun than having five minutes to teach several completely non-creative middle-aged people the basics of acting. (I’m sure you can think of a few yourself.) Wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t great. {Editor’s note: Immediately after posting this, I got a phone call from the woman I aud-ter-viewed for last night. They loved me! They really loved me! I’m going to start training in May, and will probably begin teaching this summer. Woo hoo!}Afterwards, Sjet and I went to the Greek IHOP and ate so much food that today I have what looks like gyros and baklava dripping out of my ears.

Thanks to a recommendation from Ida and Molly, I have discovered that I am also a fat little boy. I am in good company.

Posted by freesia at 11:33

“I’ll have the spinach, mushroom, and feta omelet with a side of pita bread, please.”

I love The Continental (I assume your IHOP slander is referrring to there) so much. Not only is it a restaurant at which I’ve been ordering the same meal since 1991, it’s got that corner table continuously populated by old Greek men with beards and cigarettes. It is also the only place where my waiter ruined my perfectly good bad mood by coming up to me and saying:

“Those are funky shoes. That’s a funky bracelet. What’s it like to be a beautiful and funky girl in the city?”

Man. Let’s go right now.

Ida @ 12:08 PM | 2003/03/05

yes, please. There were even some h-o-t young Greek men sitting at that just-inside-the-door-table. And both of the waitresses had impeccable hair.

freesia @ 12:27 PM | 2003/03/05

I worked for the SAT people. As long as you don’t mind SELLING SELLING SELLING while you teach, it’s all good.

I minded. But you will be WONDERFUL.

lizzieb @ 12:54 PM | 2003/03/05

did you work for the SAT people directly, or for the big-company-which-I-will-not-name-here that does test prep for all kinds of stuff?

As for selling, enh. I can deal. At this point, if I can get myself to a point where I’m contract-teaching enough to pay my bills, I will paint myself purple and tattoo the word ZOINKS on my forehead. They pay pretty well once you start teaching (although the training rate is pretty crappy - I gather because a lot of people don’t survive it.)

freesia @ 12:58 PM | 2003/03/05

Luckily for you, if you have enough contract work to pay your bills you won’t have anytime to paint and tattoo yourself.

(Although the amount of posting I’ve been doing today would lead one to believe that I’m a big liar about the time thing. Shut yer pie hole already, Ida.)

Ida @ 01:11 PM | 2003/03/05

The secret is out. I really just want to be like Ida. I am finished with my flimsy charade.

But… I won’t have time to tattoo myself? I like tattoos. I’ve been wanting another one. I may have to rethink this thing.

freesia @ 01:14 PM | 2003/03/05

Just not on your forehead. Just not ZOINKS.

But if you do get another tattoo, you should find a way to make it tax-deductible.

Ida @ 01:28 PM | 2003/03/05

damn baby
you’re making me want to come visit more and more…greek IHOP
that’s got to rule

speaking of which
you really need to call, baby


nenie @ 01:29 PM | 2003/03/05

It sounds like heaven on earth. How come I’ve never gone?

yukino @ 04:11 PM | 2003/03/05

Wacky. If I’m not mistaken, it sounds like you’re doing the same thing my sister is doing. Good luck to you! (I could use some money myself…)

mlee @ 01:39 AM | 2003/03/06

You’ve never been because we didn’t know about it. Soon, grasshopper - when you return from traveling the globe.

freesia @ 09:15 AM | 2003/03/06