what time is it? it’s prime time
So, Ida had a brilliant idea last night for a new television series. We’re going to call it “Married by Freesia!” (or maybe “Married by Freesia’sRealName”). It’ll be just like Married by America but I will get to pick everyone’s spouse myself. While we watched it last night, all snuggled up under a quilt with my toes poking her in the butt, I was way too excited about it. After the show was over, I called the toll-free numbers and did my civic duty.
I could do this for a living. It would be great.
okay, but lets also play “Freesia makes all her friends attempt to date sjet.”
hilarity will ensue. I’m impossible to date. (perhaps I should delve farther into that…)
hey, that sounds like a good game to me.
(Careful what you wish for, baby. You just might get it.)
i’ll let you pick my spouse
only if you pick the gf
mine, mine, you get to pick mine too!
Brilliant! First, I am going to pick my own.
I am going to marry … Sam Rockwell.
Ernie is going to marry … Vitamin C.
Lizzie is going to marry … Rob Lowe.
Yukino is going to marry … Jenny McCarthy.
JenDavis is going to marry … Marilyn Manson.
COMTE is going to marry … Tiny Tim.
This is a fun game. Who else wants to play?
Oh, and Sjet. You are going to marry this guy.
Oooo! Oooo! Would you also incorporate MASH into it?
I’m going to live in a shack and drive a rickshaw, have 27 million children, and marry….
Mmm, I like Rob Lowe. Even if I am totally enamoured with Bradley Whitford — but he’s married.
yup. He and his lovely wife used to be Seattle stage actors, and my housemate has worked with them. Apparently they are great.
Seriously, though. Sam Rockwell is my new Hollywood boyfriend. So long, Hot Elf. I’ll check on you again when you become a pirate.
vitamin c?
you explain this to the gf
Hey, why do I have to marry a DEAD GUY???!!!
Couldn’t you have at least matched me up with Bjork?
oh, fine. I forgot about the dead thing.
COMTE marries Bjork.
Woo-Hoo! I hope she wears that dead swan dress to our wedding!
Her bridesmaids will be dressed like ducklings.
I guess that means the Groom’s men will dress up like drakes.
I think you should have a spin off show called “The Wedding Stalin” where you or your cohort in hosting plan the weddings for all these newly designed couples. And if they didn’t follow your plans exactly, you could purge them on national TV.
Hm, would we HAVE to marry whomever you picked, or would exercising free-will defeat the whole purpose of the endeavor?