July 28, 2003

What is the point of censorship?

Really, there is no such thing as a bad word - only bad uses of words. Why are people so concerned over the words shit and fuck? They are only words. What is so terribly evil about these that they have a stigma associated with their use?

For instance, I was watching Cartoon Network last night. They pulled up a frame that read "Fcuk it, let's go eat". So, really, who is being fooled here? That obviously states Fuck it. What's the big deal? If everyone knows what it says, it has effectively been said on the air. The same with F**k it. If censors will allow that much to be aired, then why not just let people go out and say fuck? They have, in a sense, already allowed it.

And, shiznat. Everyone knows that is shit. If it has the same meaning, then should it not also be under this banned list? If it's not the meaning of the word that is under concern, that what? You can't tell me that a four letter combination sets people of so?

I really hope that humanity has much more intelligence and reasoning than to deem an arbitrary grouping of letters as being offensive.

However, the more I observe, the more I am inclined to think that people are just plain dumb.

Oh, and semi-relatedly, there is no such thing as being politically correct. It is not the words that are offensive, it is the way they are used. If you look up fat in the dictionary, you get "Obesity; corpulence". Saying an overweight person is fat is correctly using the word. Insisting on having people refer to overweight people as being "weight challenged" is a load of shit. I can go up to someone and say "Jesus! Why don't you do something other than sit around all day feeding your face you fucking weight challenged assed shit!" See, the usage was "weight challenged", but the statement is still hurtful. Use of "political correctness" will not bring elightenment or compassion. Those that will scorn others for being different do not have the capacity to be swayed by insisting on alternative forms of descriptions; they will continue to be the way they are. Face it, if you're fat, you're fat; short, you're short; dumb, you're dumb. Those are the definitions of the words, and their use should not be altered, just because some people no longer like them. People just need to learn that those that would say such things are just not worth the effort of listening to.

Posted by haglund at 2:39 PM

July 24, 2003

How hot has it been here lately? Let's just say that there was a cool front which passed through yesterday, and the high is only supposed to get to 95. I was just outside - in jeans and a fairly heavy shirt - and was thinking "wow, what a pleasant day it is." (It's currently 95)

Posted by haglund at 5:57 PM

July 15, 2003

Just saw an ad for "Freaky Friday".

Ok, just how many versions of this movie do we need?!

Come on, a remake of a remake is getting pretty fucking ridiculous. Will somebody please instill some new, creative ideas into Hollywood! There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to make 3 versions of the same story, let alone two.

On just one shelf on my bookshelf, there are 6 unique and interesting stories that would make good movies. I am positive that there are many many new and interesting stories that could make good movies, if Hollywood could only find out which end was it's ass and which was it's head.

Posted by haglund at 7:38 PM

It's nice having furniture. Makes the place seem like a home as opposed to a dorm room.

Random musings:

The City of Dallas is suing Ford because it's police cruisers are bursting into flames when struck from behind at high speed. Ford states that there is no way to safeguard a car from a high speed collision. Dallas' response, we have a Chevy Caprice Classic that has hit from behind at high speed, and it didn't burst into flames. City mechanics beleive it is because Chevy uses plastic gas tanks, while Ford uses metal. Up yours Ford!

Saw a solar powered car on the road the other day.

Posted by haglund at 10:46 AM

July 2, 2003

Well, thanks to no payments, no interest, no anything for 2 years, and fairly cheap prices, I'll have my bedroom furnished: 3 piece queen bed set, dresser, mirror, 2 nightstands, and armoire; A dining set - which is a gaming table - and chairs; and an entertainment center.

Random musings:

Calling to report I have no phone service.
Rep: "Why do you suspect you have no dial tone?"

A Lowes delivery truck going to Home Depot. (There is a Lowes on the other side of the street)

Posted by haglund at 3:43 PM

Heh, more fun out of Jet's page.

This time, it's my typology results:

Your Type is ISTJ, which is Inspector Guardian, or ISTJ.

I agree with some, but not all. For example, in the second description, I agree with me using truth over tact, but don't agree with the notion "We've always done it this way" is an acceptable reason to anything. And, I definitely don't agree that threats to established organizations should be fought at all costs. There are established organizations that I would gladly see removed.

I fell that the 'analysis' attributes more structure than there really is for me.

Introverted Sensing:
I totally disagree with what it says. I think I base things far more loosely than Ithe description has for me. In it's example:

An apple "should" have certain qualities, against which all apples are evaluated. A "proper" chair has four legs.

Yeah, an apple should have skin, be an approximate apple shape, have grown on a tree, and have an apple taste. A proper chair has a seating surface and a back to it.

Extraverted Thinking:
Well, I have some 'favorite forms' I like to use, but I do like to add in some new, so life doesn't become the same old thing.

Introverted Feeling:
I agree with this applying to me. "Feeling is inferred, or expressed nonverbally, through eye contact, or an encouraging smile. " is a good description.

Extraverted Intuition:
Totally disagree with this description.

Posted by haglund at 10:34 AM