The Odysey: Part Three - Champaign
Visited Roy, Mike, and Kurt. Got to eat at Jimmy John's, Bagelman's, Bamba's, and Dell's. Got to finish Halo at normal difficulty. I love the Warthog, and I am a Warthog gunner fool! Played some PvP, Mike made a comment about it being difficult to kill a player in a Warthog, where I proceeded to kill him at the start of the next game - and several times throughout.
Trying the think back, I have trouble recalling what I did on Thursday and Friday, so I am thinking that was Halo filled.
Saturday was crazy. I had planned on leaving on Saturday, which would give me Sunday to unpack and such. That didn't happen. After lunch, it was already 2, so I figured I'd stay and leave early on Sunday. Well, we went out and I bought Risk and Monopoly. While waiting for Roy to finish showering, I went surfing for Avalon Hill. There was some comment about Avalon Hill previously (don't remember how it came up, or what the comment was), which got me thinking if they were still around. Their highlighted game was Risk 2210, which look kinda intriguing - which got me thinking of getting the board game. Figuring it would take some looking, I got Risk, and since I was there, I got Monopoly.
We got back, and the foolishness began. We started Heroes. During all the installing and updating, Roy made the comment that we should play Monopoly while we wait. As we got into Heroes, after a few hours, I broke out the Monopoly board. So, while waiting for turns, we played a game of Monopoly. Kurt stopped by around 1am, and agreed to play Risk, as Monopoly wasn't his game. We stopped Heroes, and took out Risk. Roy wanted to continue our Monopoly game.
We proceeded to play until 7am. Risk was pretty much a draw, until playing style became more reckless, and Roy won. We concluded that Monopoly was a draw.
Now, here was my dilemma. I did not sleep at all, and I had a 12 hour drive; plus, I need to get back in time to do laundry, unpack, get ready for work, and get to sleep, hopefully, before midnight.
I do not recall much of the trip down. I think I was in a dream state for much of it. At one point, I recall a dream and I came out of it when I said (aloud) "I can't control it!" I would not say I was asleep, as I can recall seeing the road and cars at that time. It was kinda like the second slowed down to allow all of that happening within an instant, but feel like an eternity had passed. There were multiple times where while I was awake and watching the road, my consciousness was not with reality.
Got home to find that there was a power outage earlier in the week. This seemed to have cause the thermostat to not engage it's program, so it was a little cool in the place. Also, the cable box does not turn on after power loss. I didn't get any of the programs slated for recording. The DVR also had a mental breakdown, and it took over an hour to get it straightned out and running normally.
I seem to have had an allergic reaction to something fearce enough to give me a decent cough and slight loss of voice.
Well, this is one sleepy Bobo, and quitting time is here...
Posted by haglund at December 30, 2002 4:02 PM