December 30, 2002

The Odyssey: Part Two - Chicago

Well, Illinois showed me what cold really was. Got almost to Springfield before I needed gas. Got out of the car, and was assaulted by 22 degrees and windy. Owwww. I made the mistake of (later) noticing a smear on the windshield and engaging the washer. The liquid promptly froze on the glass, which just made things worse. At that point, I really really really missed Texas weather.

Got to the p's place at midnight, and had my ear talked off by my father.

Monday was spent with Matt. Had some food and pie at Baker's Square and watched The Two Towers. After, we rented K-19, which was really awful. You know a movie is badly made when you refer to the characters as "that one guy", and need to ask, "what are they doing?" "why are they doing that?". You also know a movie is bad when the History channel documentary is much more enjoyable. It gave no background info at all. You have no clue as to what is the significance of the ship (it was the first nuclear ballistic submarine), you are not introduced to the crew, you do not know why they are out at sea. My impression was - see the documentary for how things happened, then see the movie to "experience" radiation poisoning. Ayway, Portillo's saved the evening from becomming a bust.

Too little time to spend with Matt :(

Tuesday and Wednesday was the obligatory family time. It snowed on Tuesday, which gave a white XMas. Not much there, some food was eaten, some presents exchanged. The Two Towers was watched, which made it three instances that week.

I left Thursday.

Posted by haglund at December 30, 2002 3:57 PM