Made an attempt to stain/weather protect the fence over the weekend. Really miscalculated how long it would take and only got 2 sides done. At least I fully finished the sides - as opposed to a person the other street over who only finished one side, and made a few brush strokes on another. The Redwood coloring is nice though.
Since I've got free HBO (3 or 4 channels) and Showtime (2) I had the recorder catch Tomb Raider and Josie and the Pussycats. I wanted to see if both movies were as bad as I figured them to be. Tomb Raider was extremely stupid, as I had expected it to be, and the only way I see it at the theaters is if I was being paid to see it - and I think I'd ask for no less then $25/hour at that. Anyway, the only redeeming aspect of the movie was seeing Arnold Judas Rimmer/Gordon Brittas playing the butler. It was very amusing to see Rimmer grab a bullet resistant vest and a shotgun. I am very curious how Christopher Barrie became involved in the movie.
Josie was actually better than I thought it would be - poking fun at itself and the boy/girl band phenomena, and carrying some funny lines.
I also managed to get through the 10 hours of Taken; or should I say "Steven Spielberg Presents: Taken"... geez, gotta make sure I get all the hype in...
I was disappointed to see that Sci Fi is making a series out of Tremors. The ads remind me of the Dukes of Hazard. "He likes his trucks fast, she like her shorts short...." Only Daisy wore shorts that were much shorter than those. At least if they're going to entice me with sex appeal, show some! I saw more at 10 watching Daisy Duke! And the Dream Team looks very bad as well. Looks like Sci Fi wants to capture more of the "I talk to Dead People.." whatever it is show... David Blaine, David Copperfield - whatever his name moron who claims to speak to the dead.
I am getting my free security system activated this week. So, get this. I will only wind up paying for installation for adding fire monitoring to the system. This means for life (of ADT, and as long as I continue with ADT's service), I will get a security system with fire monitoring and a key FOB transmitter. So, if I move into a house that has no system, I get all of the above installed for free. I think this is a very cool deal, especially when I got the whole system by mistake.
That's all I can think of to babble for now..
Posted by haglund at December 9, 2002 2:09 PM