December 3, 2002

Ah. Sweet sweet silence has been my friend for the past week. No young child screaming and yelling at 1am. No inconsiderate child banging on the walls at midnight. No inconsiderate adult slamming the doors. No punk assed 20 somethings shaking the building with his subwoofer. No uber punk assed teen shaking the building with his in-car sub woofer. Peace and quite. And dark. There's some lights, but not the spot lights aimed at the sides of the building as in the apartment.

No kids (and inconsiderate adults) using the street as a racetrack. There is a marked difference living in a place where no one cares, to a place where property value is very much a concern. I haven't seen anyone pissing on my or anyone else's house, and no displays of public drunkeness. Watering and mowing a lawn is a fair price in exchange.

Ah, I can feel sanity slowly leak in... urge to implement population control subsiding...

peace, quiet, consideration - i had forgotten that the world could be like that

Posted by haglund at December 3, 2002 3:25 PM