Heh, with the template already in place, 'coding' in html doesn't seem that bad. I, at least, managed to add in a link to Gene... So, if I get ambitous - prolly during the boring monotonous hours at work - I'll play around with the colors and maybe experiment with the layout,
What is up with the add mufflers? The big oversized muffles that children these days seem to think is cool. I am sorry, if you drive a crappy assed 4 cylinder 1995 Honda Civic, even adding spoilers and chrome wheel, and that annoying muffler, it is still a crappy assed 4 cylinder Honda Civic. Only now, your car sounds like it has an awful case of flatulence. Really, who do these people think they are fooling? My truck still has more power than the little shit, and it doesn't sound like it's sick doing it.
Maybe I am just too old school. If you want your car to sound cool, and powerful, you give it a nice throaty roar. I'm sorry, but listening to that higher pitched fart as they vainly try to accelarate from stop to 30 just proves that they are driving a piece of shit. It says, "Look at me, I have an obviously poor performance car, and I am trying to overcome not being able to buy a real performance car by disguising this piece of crap to draw your attention that I drive a piece of crap."
Well, need to retutn to cleaning. That'll teach me to be unusually lax in maintaining the place.
Posted by haglund at July 27, 2002 3:19 PM