July 26, 2002

So, this has to be the most I have communicated (if a person is reading this, then it's communication) at any one time in quite some time. I can not recall, but it might be when Roy visited - which I must include only because I bought the ticket :).

Also, this is the most web presence I have ever had. There was one mention of me in an old ancient page of Eunice's, and a picture of me on Jet's page. But, this really marks my first significant web presence. Ah, so much for anonymity.

Oh, I remembered that I'll be adding an extra sink to both baths on my own as well. I guess all that time being conscripted to help my father might actually have helped. Nah, let's just chalk it up to hours of watching the DIY channel, and Trading Spaces - but the latter may be just to watch Genniveive and Amy Wynn.

Oh, and why is my page 'weblog' instead of the 'blog' used by others here? Well, blog just seems like a chunky barf - or belch.

And, I kept Mr. Kim's default title BobWorld. Unless there are any suggestions...

Well, I should start cleaning for Mike and Jet's arrival. Plus, I think I have overloaded my brain with all this 'talk'. Far far far more than it is used to dealing with at once.

Posted by haglund at July 26, 2002 9:26 PM