I passed my first 9's today. I got a D on Kakumei and a C on Tsugaru. Both of those songs are doable after you figure out the gallop step. I actually passed Kakumei by accident: I intended to do it on challenge, which is actually easier at 8 feet. After that, I felt pumped enough to go do Tsugaru on heavy. I failed on my first attempt, but did it again because I nailed the gallop section in the middle. The second time I did worse on the gallop, but well enough to just hang on by a sliver through the last section.
I feel rather good right now - I've come a long way since flailing on light.
Update - Just for good measure, I confirmed that it was no fluke: I actually improved my score on Kakumei to C added a C for Tsugaru (Apple Mix).
Your Insatiable One ~
2005.07.16 11:07 AM