Hi people!
Hopefully you haven't forgotten me during this long period of silence. Since it's been a while, the best thing to do is for me to tell the world exactly why I haven't been blogging. For me, that one thing can be pretty much summed up in one word - work. Once the new job really started kicking into full gear, my normal workday started averaging 10 hours per a day. Add in a 30+ minute commute each way on top of that. Then add in your regular poker game, dinner outings (if they ever happen again =P) and DDR. With days like that, all I really want to do at home is veg.
Because of all this, I feel like my life is going out of balance - too much eating out, the place is in disarray, being consistently tired, gaining weight, going flabby. The stress of work and everything else has me lapsing into bad habits. It seems so obvious, but I just need to remember to take care of myself. Of course I need to do the usual remedies of exercising more, eating better and sleeping more. Buuuut...I feel like I need to read more, listen to music, try new recipes, maybe even code for myself. Essentially, be more creative. I feel like I'm gonna burn out otherwise. Maybe I should start the "The Artist's Way" program or *gasp* begin yoga again. What has everyone else done in his or her quest to stay level and sane, relatively speaking?
Run a marathon! You get as much meditation time as yoga and flab goes away quite rapildy :-)