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Lickable Dev

I made my first Cocoa app today. Instead of the ubiquitous "Hello World!" application that most books make you create, Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X actually has you create a graphical random number generator. Since this is the first time I'm doing any Mac OS or NextStep programming, it was a bit interesting to see how things work. Xcode and Interface Builder are nice, but it's a bit strange to do interface building and coding in separate apps. Having spent most of the time doing .NET/Java development, it's a nice breath of fresh air to try something new out.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.10.07 22:27 PM
On October 7, 2004 11:25 PM, vince said

OK, I'll bite. What is a graphical random number generator? Obviously, I know what a random number generator is. I know what graphics are. I'm having trouble seeing the two put together -- unless it's just something that displays white noise or pink noise.

On October 22, 2004 12:14 PM, Your Insatiable One said

Sorry about that. I was a bit tired and rushed through this entry. What I'm talking about is nowhere near that sexy - just a GUI (vs. CLI) random number generator.