Sorry for the great spell of inactivity here, but this is pretty much the first break I've gotten in a few weeks to actually post an entry. As mentioned earlier, work has been pretty crazy. Sadly, for the all the 12 hour days, I ended up missing the original deadline. Oh well.
Now that I'm out of the madness temporarily, I finally have a chance to cut loose. Of course, pretty much the first big leisure activity after this big stretch is a hardcore 8+ hour poker night. Although I was down for the night, this was probably the most fun poker night I've been to so far. We started out with the standard Texas Hold 'em buy in and tourney. However, instead of calling it a night at that point, we forged on with a second buy in. That was followed with a few rounds of razz and finally a round of dealer's option that included 7 card stud, more razz and 5 card draw. We finally called it quits around 4:30 am. It was great madness, but great fun.