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A Lot Can Happen in a Week

Yes kids, a lot can happen in a week.

Since I last wrote, there's been good news in abundance:

* In a big win, the higher-ups at my current co. have approved me working remotely from the great rainy city far away. That's right - there's no rest for the wicked: I gotta get out there and set-up reasonably quickly. However, that's a small price to pay for getting my food pellet every two weeks.
* In other good news, the quest to sell off stuff is going nicely. I am now no longer the proud owner of various items...including a bed. I guess it's time to say hello to the air matress again.
* I'm now driving a Civic with *brace yourself* a newly installed Blaupunkt Montreal CD-34 head unit. The install wasn't too bad, but it took me a while to figure out that the AC controls weren't working because the climate control wasn't all the way connected. Still, having the aux in for the iPod is "choice".

Asides from that, life has been on the overall pretty good. I've been slowly paring down the belongings and cleaning house. I've sent off 7 packages worth of stuff to Yukino and I'll probably be shipping even more stuff! (Hope I don't get bludgeoned to death with my belongings upon arrival as penance for doing this.) Movie-wise, I saw the not-quite straight from the Illiad / we waste no time in showing off Brad Pitt booty "Troy" and the rather amusing "Shrek 2".

I'm still shooting for a Sunday move out. Wish me luck all.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.05.27 00:12 AM
On May 27, 2004 4:00 PM, chaos said

As opposed to moving for a Sunday shoot out?