I haven't been writing much of anything lately. No real updates here, yogablog, or even scenesters. In some ways, I feel like I'm devolving back into a two state machine: from slack to work and back again; I guess it's just too easy to get distracted by the idea of moving when it's all of two or less weeks away.
I still can't get over the fact that I only have five (5!) working days left at my current position. I've been frantically trying to pound out executive acceptable documentation for a project over the last few weeks. In addition, there's so much left to do before moving as well - lots of packing, advertising, selling, storing and giving to charity left before doomsday. On top of that, I don't have anything work-wise lined up for me when I get out there.
Still, inspite of all of these things, I'm feeling remarkably non-plussed about it all. Although there doesn't seem to be an obvious & apparent path to victory right now, I think it'll work out fine in the end. Besides, when you have peeps on this end that care enough to take you out for a fancy schmancy meal (thank you for the scrumptidillious dinner!) and peeps on the other end impatiently waiting for you to drag your ass out there, how can you go wrong?