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May 31, 2004
Moving update

Just a quick update while I'm paying for the access:
I'm officially moved out of St. Louis. After stopping for the night @ the parents, I drove all the way to Denver. After driving 11 hours or so, I felt like stuffing myself silly good so I went to Trail Dust & had a 22 oz Blue Moon & a 20 oz Porterhouse. Ahhh...so tasty, so stuffed.

Tomorrow brings more driving, but not as bad: I'm stopping in Salt Lake City. The day after, however, will be evil since I'll be shooting for San Francisco that day.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.05.31 22:10 PM
May 28, 2004

Life seems to have an uncanny predilection to imitate art. For the most part, it works out - genetic Darwinism weeds out the stupid. However, there are those times when you'd prefer it didn't...like when you stumble upon a 'Weird, But True' story that's almost ripped straight from an episode of South Park.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.05.28 22:13 PM
May 27, 2004
A Lot Can Happen in a Week

Yes kids, a lot can happen in a week.

Since I last wrote, there's been good news in abundance:

* In a big win, the higher-ups at my current co. have approved me working remotely from the great rainy city far away. That's right - there's no rest for the wicked: I gotta get out there and set-up reasonably quickly. However, that's a small price to pay for getting my food pellet every two weeks.
* In other good news, the quest to sell off stuff is going nicely. I am now no longer the proud owner of various items...including a bed. I guess it's time to say hello to the air matress again.
* I'm now driving a Civic with *brace yourself* a newly installed Blaupunkt Montreal CD-34 head unit. The install wasn't too bad, but it took me a while to figure out that the AC controls weren't working because the climate control wasn't all the way connected. Still, having the aux in for the iPod is "choice".

Asides from that, life has been on the overall pretty good. I've been slowly paring down the belongings and cleaning house. I've sent off 7 packages worth of stuff to Yukino and I'll probably be shipping even more stuff! (Hope I don't get bludgeoned to death with my belongings upon arrival as penance for doing this.) Movie-wise, I saw the not-quite straight from the Illiad / we waste no time in showing off Brad Pitt booty "Troy" and the rather amusing "Shrek 2".

I'm still shooting for a Sunday move out. Wish me luck all.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.05.27 00:12 AM
May 16, 2004
Head on the dash

I just finished installing my first car stereo, a Blaupunkt Montreal CD34, into the Protege. There was a lot more than I expected to it even though it was a "simple pull from the dash" install - hooking up the harness, getting the mounting in place, fiangling some means of attaching the ground wire to some metal part of the car, shoving it into place and then finally setting the head unit up. The end result was well worth the effort - a CD player, many many more FM presets, and an aux in for the iPod.

Of course, after all that work, I'll have to install another one into the Civic when I swap cars with the P's. On top of that, this time I'll have to rip apart the dash in order install it. Or on second thought, I might be a total bum and just pay someone to do it for me.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.05.16 17:44 PM
Travelling Anxiety

I haven't been writing much of anything lately. No real updates here, yogablog, or even scenesters. In some ways, I feel like I'm devolving back into a two state machine: from slack to work and back again; I guess it's just too easy to get distracted by the idea of moving when it's all of two or less weeks away.

I still can't get over the fact that I only have five (5!) working days left at my current position. I've been frantically trying to pound out executive acceptable documentation for a project over the last few weeks. In addition, there's so much left to do before moving as well - lots of packing, advertising, selling, storing and giving to charity left before doomsday. On top of that, I don't have anything work-wise lined up for me when I get out there.

Still, inspite of all of these things, I'm feeling remarkably non-plussed about it all. Although there doesn't seem to be an obvious & apparent path to victory right now, I think it'll work out fine in the end. Besides, when you have peeps on this end that care enough to take you out for a fancy schmancy meal (thank you for the scrumptidillious dinner!) and peeps on the other end impatiently waiting for you to drag your ass out there, how can you go wrong?

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.05.16 01:08 AM
May 06, 2004

Reports have been filtering out that Keith Richards might be playing Captain Jack Sparrow's father in the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel. Now how wonky would it be to have a character based off of Keith Richards interacting with the real deal?

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.05.06 01:16 AM
Scattered Shots

After talking with my dentist, it appears that the gum line of one of my teeth has receded, leaving the nerve endings exposed. Unfortunately, that means that area is hyper-sensitive to cold, hot & pressure. About all that can be done is using sensitive teeth toothpaste before brushing until the nerves get used to the exposure.

On the music tip, I'm sorta curious about the new Dykehouse album. Chain Smoking is rather good. Also, I found out that Sing-Sing (Emma from Lush's new thing) is close to giving up since they are label-less and don't have the cash to self-fund the album. Quite a pity since what I've heard is decent.

Plans for the move are progressing. I finally got a moving sale web page set-up. I moved stuff to the parents. I'm making arrangements to get rid of the TV & couch.

Note to Yukino - Sorry, but I'm gonna have to break my word re: my story. Tomorrow (Thursday) for real!

Your Insatiable One ~ 2004.05.06 00:49 AM