Once upon a time, there was an online social networking site. Somehow, I got looped into joining, but nothing really came out of it because it was slow and basically sucked for someone that didn't live in the Bay Area. Then, Google decided to jump on the bandwagon and created Okrut. Orkut is still in beta - much like the other site - but it actually runs at a decent clip and has all these nifty features like circles of information disclosure, communities and friend ranking. IOW, you could say it whips the competition's llama's ass. Pretty much everyone I know has either jumped ship or finally joined it for their first online social networking site.
So why am I writing this? Well, I think I hit everyone I should with invites, but someone might have slipped under the radar. In the interest of spreading the love (and friend count pumping ;), I can get you the hook-up if I know you and you want to join. Just comment against this entry along with some sort of identifying message, and I'll try to get in touch with you to set things up.