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Notes from the Kitchen Underground

It's been a while since I've last written, but it's only natural considering that I haven't really done much in the way of cooking the past few weeks. I've been consuming various video-based media and oddly enough, coding of all things.

This week, it seems like the focus has shifted back to cooking so I feel like I have something to say, even if it's meaningless to many of you.

Sunday I learned that bison steaks can be oh so good. I got a ribeye cut that must've been close to a 1 lb from Whole Foods. After letting it come to room temperature and generously applying sea salt, black pepper, paprika and garlic powder, I pan-fried it in butter to a rare-medium rare. Then I topped the package off with arterial death: chopped shallots pan-fried in more butter. It was just heavenly - as a beef eating carnivore, I could only really think of one other steak that struck me as deathly good. Although it was a bit on the pricey side, I'm definitely going to try another bison steak in the future to see if it turns out this good.

In other news, I'm rapidly beginning to realize that my culinary enemies are bread making, carmelization and cleaning. Every loaf I've made (including the one from yesterday) seems off for some reason: the texture/flavor just doesn't jive with my idea of bread. Just tonight, I failed at making caramel for creme caramel, ending up with rock vanilla sugar candy. And I've always hated cleaning up. Eventually I'll have to show them I know kitchen kung-fu and kick their asses. I'll let them live...for now.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2003.10.20 23:43 PM