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Chaos and Order

My apartment seems to vacillate between somewhat organized and extremely organized. Mostly, it's a paper mess - receipts, junk mail, unimportant correspondence and other things scattered across multiple rooms. I have a high tolerance for clutter, but it gets to me after a while...the desire for clean, bare surfaces becomes overwhelming, and I give in to cleaning urges. After leisurely shredding, tossing and organizing random things here and there, the place has returned to its former semi-dishevelled state.

In other news, I finished off Shrub : The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush. It's a nice, leisurely read that really gives insight into what makes Dubbya tick. And what the new introduction says is very true, "...everything we wrote about has been validated by policy changes made by now-President George W. Bush." Highly recommended.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2003.07.17 23:53 PM