Note to self:
Don't answer phone after you go to sleep. Don't answer phone at 1:30 am to help co-workers out with code you've worked with, but didn't write and certainly don't totally understand. Don't go in to work at 2 am to help said co-workers. Don't get bitter over the fact that you contributed very little in the way of help, and things were resolved fairly quickly once the right people got in the morning.
Net result: effective all-nighter. Combined with the fact that I've spent two nights prior to this week furiously slapping coding into shape has left me with less than conciliatory attitude towards work right now.
Let's just say that I'll be screening my calls for the forsee able future, and people from work asking for help will be considered persona non grata for the balance of the weekend.
IOW, "Bite My Shiny Metal Ass"
Yeah, a couple of years ago, I figured out that there is absolutely nothing in the entire world that is more important than sleep. I've been turning off my phone when I go to sleep for ages now, and frankly, it's one of the best decisions I've ever made.