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Do You Realize?

Saturday, The Generalissimo was kind enough to come down to my neck of the national woods to see The Flaming Lips.

Although I've listened to some of the older material, I am pretty much a new convert to the way of the Lips; having only last year picked up "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots". So when I arrived at the venue, I really didn't have any idea what the evening's act would entail. What followed was probably the most unique, bizzare, energy-filled show I'd probably ever seen:

Oh, and there was some amazing performances, sing-alongs and one very extended jam session for an encore. To put it simply, I was blown away by the whole sum of everything...I don't think I've seen that good a show in a long while. The only complaint I'd have is that it was a bit short compared to concerts other bands put on, but that's a very *slight* knock against a wonderful experience.

The management here feels that you should go see the Lips in concert if you get the chance.

For better or for worse, this was the one night Liz Phair wasn't opening for the Flaming Lips. I'm not sure what to think of the "Hey, look at me! I'm Avril Lavigne for those over 30!" direction her new album seems to have taken, so her absence was neither missed nor applauded.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2003.06.08 23:13 PM