Last weekend was pretty good.
Because of the wear + tear of the prior week, Friday night was pretty much a wash for me. After dinner and mindless activities, I ended up crashing at 8 pm and sleeping 10 hours.
Saturday was a day trip to see the P's. Since they were out of the country during Mother's Day + I was down at BoboBASH for Memorial Day weekend, I felt sort of obligated to stop on over. There was the always fabulous food, the standard "help, my computer doesn't do what I want it to" questions and goodly amounts of wine. However, probably the most interesting part was hearing the Parentals talk about their experience catching massal - a pinky sized shell fish that lives in the mud/sand flats: just imagine people with pants rolled up or wearing shorts/capris sprinkling salt on holes and snatching the shell fish as they pop-up.
Sunday, one of my co-workers threw a "See You Later, Hoser!" party for another of my co-workers that has recently relocated up to Chicago. Sadly, we weren't able to do the "murder mystery" portion of the party as she originally intended. Regardless, the food, drink and company was most excellent. A good time was had by all.