This Memorial Day Weekend was BoboBASH.
After a 15 hour road trip [begun Thursday, ending Friday], three other intrepid individuals and I finally arrived at the final destination in Texas at 4 am. It turned out that we were the second group to arrive: The Dragon and Angie had made their appearance well before we did. Needless to say, immediate crashing soon followed.
Friday proper a.k.a afternoon marked the official commencement of activities. Da FET and the Brooks were chauffeured to the home base. A few hours later, we finally groped our way out to lunch ("'s Chick FILLET not Chick FILL AH"), grabbed ice cream at Braum's, traversed the terraquarium and visited the sewer grate @ Dealey Plaza.
Saturday was grilling day. Terri + her S.O arrived bearing gifts of side-dishes and cookies. After all the cooking and gorging was done and accounted for, we had stuffed ourselves silly with various meats, veggies, sides and beverages. Bobo's cast iron grill charcoal grill worked masterfully, taking everything we threw at it and returning tasty foods. The rest of the day was rounded out with watching disturbing amounts of Style, tonnes of Wipeout Fusion, EXTREME RISK playing and post-midnight ice cream runs.
Sadly, Sunday was Leave-Taking Day. Breakfast Tacos were consumed (thanks Terri!), goodbyes were said and photos taken for posterity's sake before the Group of Four took off for the northern lands.
Random points of interest -
- Bobo's house is quite nice. It really did feel like a home.
- Meichi(sp?) née Aurelia, the littlest Brook, is the cutest thing. She makes adorable noises, terrorizes kitties and plays a mean game of football.
- The General called to inform us that his prowess in "making it on time to the airport, but not in time to be on the plane when it departs" has not decayed in the slightest over the past few years.
- It has been *way* too long since I've seen/talked with a lot of the people I was able to meet in the flesh this sadly too short weekend. I really should make a concerted effort to keep in touch with people outside of my local + daily interactions.
- We should do this more often.
Agreed - it was faaaar too long since I've seen some people. And, it's "Oh, it's Chik-Fil-A, not Chick Villa", I beleive. Aurelia's middle name is Meiqi.
Methinks I'll go back to bed now and catch up on sleep.....