e m o t i o n ~ c o l l i s i o n
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Kicking things off culinary style

The new year, cooking-wise, started up on a bit of a down note: I accidently burned the sugar in my carmelized up-side down pear tart and tried out a lackluster Middle Eastern style chicken kabob recipe. Then, because of evil deadlines (which also stole any chance of having time off between XMas & New Year's Day), I haven't really cooked anything significant since then.

I guess all that cooking energy must have been building up, slowly reaching critical mass...which happened to be tonight. So far I've started brining a chicken, cut & marinaded beef short ribs Korean style and am in the middle of making fresh bread the "punch with your hands, old skool" method.

Somebody stop me before I cook my pantry bare!

Your Insatiable One ~ 2003.01.10 22:27 PM