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Where's the teleporter?

From my workplace to my parents' place, door to door:

Total distance - 106.38 miles
Number of cars stranded on the side of the road - 20+
Number of times pulled over to clean off wipers because I could only see through a tiny 1'x1' square of my windshield - 1
Average MPH - 35
Total time - 5 hours
Total time spent getting out of the metro area - 2 hours
Total trip time on a normal day - 2 hours

"I hate you you Snowman Dan."

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.12.24 22:38 PM
On December 24, 2002 11:25 PM, tony said

My definition of eternity is "driving through Pennsylvania on I-80 at 35mph."

On January 8, 2003 6:25 PM, mlee said

Try entering Illinois westbound on I-80... not done it too often myself, but I heard many a story about that 5 mile stretch.

On January 9, 2003 3:54 AM, chaos said

You neglect the amount of time it takes you to get _to_ Illinois while traveling westbound on 80. That last stretch of Indiana can be pretty killer.