Whoa. December's already here! How sneaky of it to show up so suddenly while I was contemplating the moving images on a video monitor!
Anyway, T-day weekend is over now so I figure a recap is in order. The story actually starts on Wednesday when a group of people from work went to "Happy Lunch": combination lunch & happy hour, which is excellent regardless of whether or not it's a holiday weekend as long as you can pull it off. Who can resist drinks, pool and mercilessly taunting a co-worker about his inability to shoot deer by suggesting that he might have more luck with Big Buck Hunter?
Thanksgiving itself was pretty good. Went to the parentals' place for the meal and ate too much as usual. The menu was brined turkey, gravy, slightly boiled green beans w/balsamic + olive oil + soy sauce + pepper + sugar + garlic, broiled asparagus, marshmellow-ed sweet potatoes, freshly baked bread, cranberry dressing, a corn-bread sausage stuffing and, of course, PIE. Mmmm...pie. Also got to meet my sister's SO (seems like a nice guy) and to drive my parents new Mazda 6 (sweet ride!). Most imporantly, I got leftovers so I didn't have to cook two meals!
The rest of the weekend involved studying for yet another insurance exam, playing way too much of "The Ur-Quan Masters" and dreading the arrival of Monday + the promise/threat of work it brings. Curse you Monday!
I don't want to go to work.