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Bacon Tastes Good...

Inspired by A. B. (not our A. B.), I decided to grab some pork for tonight's dinner, which is also my inaugural attempt at steaming with new steamer.

After some slight deliberation, I ended up going with pork slices: 1/4" pork loin slices seasoned with salt, pepper + shallots & steamed with rosemary-accented water on pieces of leeks. The end result was sufficently soft & flavorful, albeit on the simple side. I'll have to experiment with the recipe some more to see if I can keep it simple and clean, but a little more satisfying tastewise.

Hopefully I can ferret out other good steaming recipes a la IRON CHEF....I like having a method of cooking food delicately without added fat or time without leeching certain aspects of flavors away the ingredients.

BTW, that was only a quarter of the pork loin. The rest is marniating overnite in a bath of diluted soy sauce, garlic powder, black pepper, brown sugar and dried chile powder. That should roast up quite nicely with a honey & sesame seed coating to finish.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.11.10 23:50 PM
On November 12, 2002 3:03 AM, mlee said

Perhaps a little sesame oil (the good kind)? Paprika?

P.S. The masses demand anonymous comments!

On November 12, 2002 7:59 AM, Your Insatiable One said

Anonymous comments turned on.

P.S. The masses can blow me.

On November 12, 2002 9:25 AM, haglund said

Oh can we Gene? Can we?

On November 12, 2002 9:38 AM, Your Insatiable One said

Yes you may. This blog is transitioning to a full-on dictatorship.

On November 12, 2002 2:09 PM, haglund said

Vive el Presidente!

On November 13, 2002 2:26 AM, chaos said

Hooray for anonymous comments!

Your meal sounds good, but we're slowly transitioning away from meat.
I think you should whip up some tasty tofu recipes to share with us.

On November 15, 2002 6:06 PM, c said

I would have more to say if it wasn't pork. Yech. I say try sushi grade fish!!!